Round table “Modern challenges and prospects for the development of public administration in Ukraine” – The Educational and Scientific Institute of Continuing Education

Round table “Modern challenges and prospects for the development of public administration in Ukraine”

Round table «Modern challenges and prospects for the development of public administration in Ukraine».

The Department of Public Management and Administration of NNINO NAU invites you to participate in a round table for the Day of Science on the topic “Modern challenges and prospects for the development of public management in Ukraine”. Young scientists – doctoral students and post-graduate students – have been invited as the main speakers.

During the round table, it is planned to consider current issues of the theory and practice of public administration in Ukraine and the world, in particular in the context of modern challenges related to Russian military aggression against Ukraine, European integration processes and prospects for the restoration and development of the Ukrainian state.

Date and time of the event: 05/16/2024 at 2 p.m.

Conduct format: online.

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