Courses of flight safety inspectors – The Educational and Scientific Institute of Continuing Education
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Courses of flight safety inspectors

Two-week basic training courses for flight safety inspectors under the “Investigation of Aviation Events and Incidents” program have been completed at the Educational and Scientific Institute of Continuing Education. This time, the participants of the courses were representatives of the ANTONOV State Enterprise, NBRCA, AEROVIZ Airlines, and BROKBISNES Insurance Company.

The course program provides consideration of the main issues of analysis of the causes and factors of aviation events and incidents, ISAO requirements for flight safety, organization of investigation of aviation events and incidents, preventive activities of operators to prevent them and ensure flight safety, inspection of aviation activities taking into account requirements, regulations and recommendations , which are contained in normative, instructional and methodical documents of the CA of Ukraine and ICAO, EASA documents.

The educational process was provided by NAU teachers and leading specialists of the National Bureau for the Investigation of Aviation Events and Civil Aircraft Incidents.

According to the results of the test, the trainees received certificates.

Organizational and methodical support of the educational process is carried out by specialists of the Training and Advisory Center for Advanced Training of the NN INO.

Phone for inquiries: 406 70 34, e-mail:

Recruitment for the next group continues!