Training of aviation specialists of Tajikistan – The Educational and Scientific Institute of Continuing Education

Training of aviation specialists of Tajikistan

Within the framework of long-term cooperation with the aviators of Tajikistan, the Educational and Scientific Institute of Continuing Education held advanced training courses “Electrolight-Technical Flight Support” in the period from December 5 to 9, 2022 at the customer’s base in Dushanbe. The participants of the courses are management and engineering and technical personnel of the ETSZP service of Dushanbe and Kulyab airports. The instructor of the course is an associate professor of the Department of Computerized Electrotechnical Systems and Technologies of ACF, Candidate of Technical Sciences Svitlana DEVYATKINA.

The course program is based on the requirements of ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices for electro-lighting support of flights at civil aviation airfields. During the lectures and practical sessions, the requirements for power supply systems and reliability of airfield lighting equipment and risk management regarding flight safety at the stage of visual piloting in simple and complex meteorological conditions were discussed, in particular.

Thank you for the warm welcome and congratulations on the successful completion of your studies!