Training of airport service specialists – The Educational and Scientific Institute of Continuing Education
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Training of airport service specialists

Training of airport service specialists

In the Educational and Scientific Institute of Continuing Education, advanced training courses under the program “Technical operation of airfields” for airfield service specialists of aviation enterprises of Ukraine have been completed. The participants of the courses were representatives of the SE “Lviv International Airport” named after D. Halytskoho”, KP “Kyiv” International Airport (Zhulyany), JSC “ANTONOV”, LLC “Aerokompani-Slobidka”, KP BMR “Bilotserkiv cargo aviation complex”, LLC “Oksavanexport LTD”, Aviation Support Center of the National Police of Ukraine, Department of Military Training of NAU.

Course instructors – deputy director of NNINO, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor Mykola SHYNKARCHUK and leading specialist of NNINO Volodymyr URILOV.

Due to the entry into force of new ICAO and EASA regulations, the course program has undergone significant changes. In particular, the program includes provisions on the system of aircraft classification parameter – coverage classification parameter (ACR – PCR) in accordance with the ICAO course OAPSR/056. Trainees were provided with the competencies needed to manage the transition from Aircraft Classification Number – Coverage Classification Number (ACN – PCN) to ACR – PCR. The program also considers the Pavement Condition Index (PCI) method of assessing the condition of airfield surfaces.

The listeners got acquainted with European standards in the field of construction of asphalt-concrete airfield surfaces and other modern approaches in the field of technical operation of airfields.

Organizational and methodical support of the educational process is carried out by the Educational and Advisory Center for Advanced Qualification of the NN INO.
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