Online courses for aviation professionals – The Educational and Scientific Institute of Continuing Education

Online courses for aviation professionals

In the period from 02 to 04 June, the training and research institute of continuing education hosted advanced training courses “Aviation Legislation” on the Google Classroom platform. Students of the courses are the management staff and engineering and technical staff of MS AVIA-GRADE Research and Production Company LLC (Zaporizhzhya).

The program of courses “Aviation Law” aims to provide students with systematic knowledge of regulations in the field of airworthiness of aircraft.

Teachers – Associate Professor of Aircraft Design NN AKI, Ph.D. Sviatoslav Yutskevych and Oleksandr Yakobchuk, Senior Lecturer, Department of Technologies of Production and Restoration of Aviation Equipment, NN AKI. At the end of the CCP, students received certificates of advanced training.

Organizational and methodological support of the educational process is provided by the Training and Advisory Center for Advanced Training of NNINO.

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