Participation of students in literary and artistic action – The Educational and Scientific Institute of Continuing Education
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Participation of students in literary and artistic action

Participation of students in literary and artistic action

On February 25, 2020, within the framework of Lesya Ukrainka: Extending the Horizons program, dedicated to Lesya Ukrainka’s 150th anniversary, Serhiy Cheripko, Head of Marketing and Information Technologies of NNINO, together with students of the first course of Public Administration and Administration (NNINO) and Jurisprudence (Law) participated in the literary and artistic action “Songs, Dreams, and Disobedient Thinking …” held at the National Museum of Literature of Ukraine.

Lesja Ukrainka’s unmatched poetry was performed by Galina Stefanova – an actress of the Les Kurbas Center and soloists of the vocal ensemble “Angelorus” of the Kyiv Children’s School of Arts # 23.

Участь студентів у літературно-мистецькій акції