Advanced training of aviation specialists – The Educational and Scientific Institute of Continuing Education
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Advanced training of aviation specialists

The Institute of Continuing Education has completed a training course on the human factor in aviation. The training was conducted from May 25 to 27 using the Google Classroom service. Students of the courses are representatives of MS AVIA-GRADE Research and Production Company LLC, Zaporizhia.

The program of the training course includes the study of the following main areas: characteristics of work capacity and human limitations, social psychology, factors affecting the quality of work, physical environment, communication, human error, risks in the workplace.

The class was conducted by Lyudmyla Blahaia, a senior lecturer at the Department of Air Navigation Systems of the Faculty of Air Navigation, Electronics and Telecommunications. The students of the courses noted the content of the thematic course and the relevance of the presentation materials.

Organizational and methodological support of the educational process is provided by the Training and Advisory Center for Advanced Training of NNINO.
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