Advanced training of aviation specialists of the Republic of Kazakhstan – The Educational and Scientific Institute of Continuing Education
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Advanced training of aviation specialists of the Republic of Kazakhstan

The Training and Research Institute of Continuing Education has completed advanced training courses in the program “Electrical lighting support of flights” (head of courses Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Vanetsyan SG) for a group of aviation specialists at the International Airport “Nursultan Nazarbayev”. The courses took place from March 8 to 12, 2021 in Nur-Sultan, course instructor – Associate Professor of Computer Electrical Systems and ACF Technologies, Candidate of Technical Sciences Svetlana Devyatkina.

The course program is based on the requirements of the ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices set out in Annexes 14 and 19 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation and other relevant ICAO documents, as well as European regulations.

The courses were held in an atmosphere of friendly cooperation and exchange of theoretical and practical experience in the field of electrical lighting of flights at civil aviation airfields. The students were especially interested in the problems of measuring the lighting characteristics of aerodrome lights during operation, the use of light signal systems of aerodromes with a reduced level of quality, flight safety management at the stage of visual piloting.

The course participants were informed about the possibilities of obtaining education at NAU and an agreement was reached to continue cooperation between aviation specialists of Ukraine and Kazakhstan.