Deinega Iryna Ivanivna – The Educational and Scientific Institute of Continuing Education
Авіаційна та інженерна неперервна освіта
Освіта впродовж життя
Lifelong learning
Освіта дорослих
Освіта для бізнесу

Deinega Iryna Ivanivna

Director, candidate of historical sciences, associate professor

Deinega Irina Ivanivna

Degree: Candidate of Historical Sciences.

Names of established disciplines:
“History and theory of public management and administration”, “Policy of inclusive development”, “Decision-making system in public management and administration”, “Methodology of applied research in public management and administration”, “Organization of relations with the public”, “Fundamentals of local municipality”.

Professional training/internship:

  • “Innovation in the teaching of humanitarian disciplines” (M.P. Dragomanov State University, 03/27/2017 to 04/14/2017),
  • “Management of educational activities (public management and administration)” (NAU, from February 26, 2018 to March 16, 2018),
  • “Latest technologies and electronic means in the educational process” (National Academy of Education of Ukraine, from 10.02.2020 to 11.09.2020),
  • qualification improvement within the course “Implementation of green and digital technologies in international educational environment” on the basis of the National Technical University of Ukraine “Ihor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” with the support of National Office Erasmus+UA from 03.10.2022 to 07.10. 2022, 90 hours, 3 ECTS credits.

Main publications by field of activity:

  1. Iatsyshyn Anna V., Kovach V. O., Romanenko Ye. O., Deinega I. I., Iatsyshyn Andrii V., Popov O. O., Kutsan Yu. G., Artemchuk V. O., Burov O. Yu., Lytvynova S. H. Application of augmented reality technologies for preparation of specialists of the new technological era. CEUR Workshop Proceedings. 2020. Volume 2547. P. 181–200.
  2. Kovach V. O., Gurkovsky V. I., Deinega I. I. Mechanisms of personnel management in the conditions of the labor market. Public administration and national security. 2019. No. 5(7). P. 37–43.
  3. Kovach V., Deinega I., Iatsyshyn Anna, Iatsyshyn Andrii, Kovalenko V., Buriachok V. Electronic Social Networks as Supporting Means of Educational Process in Higher Education Institutions. CEUR Workshop Proceedings. 2020. Volume 2588. P. 418–433.
  4. Kovach V. O., Yatsyshyn A. V., Deinega I. I. Peculiarities of training masters and future PhDs for the digital transformation of education and science in Ukraine. Pedagogy and Psychology. 2019. No. 3(104). P. 14–22.
  5. Kovach V.O., Yatsyshyn Anna V., Romanenko E.O., Yatsyshyn Andriy V., Deinega I.I. Cloud technologies and prospects for their use in the training of future doctors of philosophy. A new pedagogical thought. 2019. No. 4(100). P. 74–79.
  6. Anna Iatsyshyn, Oleksandr Popov, Valeriia Kovach, Andrii Iatsyshyn, Volodymyr Artemchuk, Oksana Radchenko, Iryna Deinega and Valentyna Kovalenko. Formation of the scientist image in modern conditions of digital society transformation. XII International Conference on Mathematics, Science and Technology Education (ICon-MaSTEd 2020), October 15-17, 2020 (in press)
  7. Iryna Deineha, Larysa Hromozdova, Valeriia Kovach. REALITIES OF PRACTICAL ANDRAGOGY IN THE CONDITION OF THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC: MIGRATION PEDAGOGY IN UKRAINE. Sciencerise: Pedagogical Education. 2020. No. 5(38). P. 4-10.
  8. L. Ligonenko, Y. Borysov, Iyu Deineha, L. Hromozdova, S . Leontovych, I. Kosiak, R. Volotivskyi Defining the socio-demographic predictors of priority investment in the context of tasks for the financial subsystem of startup-management//East European Journal of Advanced Technologies. 1/13(109) 2021.
  9. Deinega I.I., Kovach V.O. Management of educational activities: theoretical, methodological and legal principles: study guide. Kyiv: UkrDGRI, 2020. 174 p.
  10. Deinega I.I., Kovach V.O. Public management and modernization of the national education system: textbook “Public management as a systemic social phenomenon”. Kyiv. 2019. P.399-438.
  11. Deinega I.I. Implementation of the concept of continuous education as a security factor: collective monograph “Public administration and national security”. Kyiv. 2019. P. 193-202.
  12. Ridei N.M., Bashtovy V.I., Deinega I.I.. Sholudyak A.A. Methodology of system cognition. of scientific research and the results of their evaluation: collective monograph “Multimodal principles of postgraduate education for sustainable development.” Kyiv. 2017. P.8-28.
  13. Deinega I.I., Vanovska I.M. Implementation of educational potential in the educational process of postgraduate education: collective monograph “Multimodal principles of postgraduate education for sustainable development.” Kyiv. 2017. P.356-386.
  14. Deinega I.I., Riday N.M. Historical and cultural analysis of the development of adult education in Ukraine: collective monograph “Management of Postgraduate Education Systems for Sustainable Development”. Kyiv. 2019. P.211-247.
  15. Deinega I.I. Information and communication technologies in the management system of higher education institutions: collective monograph “Strategy of postgraduate education for sustainable development”. Kyiv: 2018. 206 p.
  16. Deinega I.I., Vanovska I.M. Ukrainians abroad. Educational and methodological guide for students of the post-graduate education system in the course “History of Ukrainian Culture”. Kyiv: 2017. 122 p.
  17. Deinega I.I. Adhocracy as a modern form of organizationreduction of activities of higher education institutions. // Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Internet Conference “Innovative Solutions in Economy, Business, Public Communications and International Relations” (April 16, 2021, Dnipro).
  18. Deinega I.I. Virtual university of adult education – perspectives of the transition to a new model of postgraduate education//Newsletter of NAU. Series: Pedagogy. Psychology: coll. Issue of the National Aviation University “NAU-print”, 2021. – Issue 19(2). P.19-32.
  19. Deinega I.I., Deinega M.A. Implementation of the right to access to higher education: the policy of barrier-free and inclusive education in international documents and acts of national legislation. Law. Man. Environment: Scientific and practical journal. 2022.13(3).p.24-35.
  20. Deinega I.I. Digitization of postgraduate education as an important component of the digital transformation of society. //Bulletin of NAU. Series: Pedagogy. Psychology: coll. science K.: Publication of the National Aviation University “NAU-print”, 2022.

Participation in conferences:

  • XII International Conference on Mathematics, Science and Technology Education (ICon-MaSTEd 2020), October 15-17, 2020.
  • International scientific and practical Internet conference “Innovative solutions in the economy, business, public communications and international relations” (April 16, 2021, Dnipro).
  • Round table with international participation “Scientific and educational diplomacy: new challenges and tasks” (June 14, 2022, Kyiv).
  • Round table with international participation “Integration of education, science and business” (September 21, 2022, Kyiv).

Honors and awards:

  • Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Ukraine;
  • breast badge “Excellent in Education of Ukraine”;
  • Bronze award of Timotei and Lydia Balaban “For conscientious work and significant contribution to the establishment of the state language and education of youth in the national and patriotic traditions of the Ukrainian people”;
  • Laureate of academic awards of Yaroslav Mudry, Ivan Krypyakevich;
  • medal “For many years of pedagogical work and scientific achievements”;
  • Vasyl Sukhomlynsky medal of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine;
  • thanks to the Kyiv City State Administration and the All-Ukrainian Society “Prosvita” named after T. G. Shevchenko.