Let happiness into your life!
Want to feel happy?
Find a job that brings pleasure.
If hobbies grow into a profession and a business
for life – success in 99% of cases is guaranteed.
Almost all great people were literally in love with
what they were doing.
- Constitution of Ukraine, Article 43
- Law of Ukraine "On Education" № 2145-VIII of 16.01.2020
- Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education" № 1556-VII of 16.01.2020
- Law of Ukraine "On Promoting the Social Formation and Development of Youth in Ukraine" № 2998-XII of 09.08
- Закон України «Про зайнятість населення» № 1556-VII від 01.01.2020
- Law of Ukraine "On scientific and scientific-technical activities" № 848-VIII of 16.07.2019
- Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine "On approval of the Procedure for providing jobs for students, students of vocational (vocational) education of industrial training and industrial practice" - document 992-99-n, version of 04/10/2019
Job search sites in Ukraine (the largest and most famous sites in the ranking top.bigmir.net)
- Work.ua - the largest site in Ukraine on the subject, now there are more than 80 thousand vacancies
- Rabota.ua - the second most popular site, many vacancies, a separate opportunity to find your first job
- Jobs.ua - all-Ukrainian portal for job search and recruitment
- HeadHunter.ua - positions itself as an international site for job search and staff, more than 54 thousand companies and about 1 million resumes
- Rabota.kharkov.ua - free job search platform in Kharkiv, more than 300 vacancies and 50 resumes are posted every day
- Pro-robotu.ua - site of the Kyiv weekly "I offer a job", the leading publication on employment in the capital. More than 8,000 vacancies per week
- Novarobota.ua - employment database in Kyiv and regions. Operational and detailed information about vacancies. Articles, employment advice and consultations
- Robota.lviv.ua - site offers employment in Lviv, Ukraine and abroad, many vacancies, convenient and easy to post resumes and vacancies
Before choosing a company, we also recommend reading reviews about it on special sites, where current or former employees share their own impressions of employers, staff and the work itself.
- Vnutri.org - The whole truth about Ukrainian employers. Reviews of former and current employees about their employers. Business from the inside
- Kakrabota.com.ua - Black and white lists of employers. Salary statistics, company discussions, as well as articles on relevant topics