Participation in the II International Scientific and Practical Conference “Strategic Directions for Foreign Policy of the European Union” – The Educational and Scientific Institute of Continuing Education
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Participation in the II International Scientific and Practical Conference “Strategic Directions for Foreign Policy of the European Union”

Участь у II Міжнародній науково-практичній конференції «Стратегічні напрями зовнішньої політики Європейського Союзу»

April 16, 2020 Head of the Department of Public Administration and Administration, Doctor of Economics Natalia G. Grushchyna participated in the II International Scientific and Practical Conference “Strategic Directions of the Foreign Policy of the European Union” held within the framework of the Jean Monnet Module project “Foreign Policy of the European Union” with the theme: “Transformation of the European Union in the modern world processes under the influence of Covid-19” in the format of online communication through the Zoom platform.