Successful defense of master’s works – The Educational and Scientific Institute of Continuing Education
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Successful defense of master’s works

Захист конфліктологів

On February 26, 2020, at the Department of Management of Vocational Education of the Educational-Scientific Institute of Continuing Education, the defense of the diploma works of students-masters of specialty 053 “Psychology” of the educational-professional program “Conflictology and Practical Mediation” took place. The examining committee was chaired by Antonina Gris – the head of the laboratory of psychology of socially maladapted minors of the GS Psychology Institute. Kostyuk NAPN, Doctor of Psychology, Professor.

Захист конфліктологів

In defense, works on topical issues of conflictology and mediation were presented. The commission, which is composed of Lyudmila Sidorchuk – Head of the Department of Vocational Education Management, Ped. Prof., Professor; Olena Dubchak – Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Vocational Education of NAU, Candidate of Psychology. N. and Inna Karyaka – Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Vocational Education of NAU, Candidate of Psychology. , noted the best alumni and their work, namely:

Захист конфліктологів

  • Kateryna Nikitonok – Work on “Facilitation as a Mechanism of Conflict Management in the Organization” (Scientific supervisor Iryna Zubiashvili – Leading Researcher in the Laboratory of Organizational and Social Psychology of the GS Kostyuk Institute of Psychology of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences, Candidate of Psychology);
  • Mykola Isachenko – work on “Mediation as a Means of Conflict Resolution in the Educational Environment” (Scientific supervisor Lyudmila Sidorchuk – Head of the UPR Department, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor);
  • Victoria Tkach – work on “Psychological peculiarities of personality conflicting competence in the aviation industry” (supervisor Irina Zubiashvili – Leading Researcher of the Laboratory of Organizational and Social Psychology of the GS Kostyuk Institute of Psychology of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences, Ph.D. .

Захист конфліктологів

In general, the results of the examination commission showed that the teaching staff of the Department of Management of Vocational Education NNINO NAU prepares for the educational and professional program “Conflictology and Practical Mediation” of highly qualified masters of specialty 053 “Psychology”, possessing profound knowledge of proficiency.

Congratulations to students who have successfully defended their diploma papers and wish them fruitful professional activity and success in the professional field !!!