The International Scientific and Practical Conference “Innovative Development of Management System: Enterprise, Region, State” was held. – The Educational and Scientific Institute of Continuing Education
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The International Scientific and Practical Conference “Innovative Development of Management System: Enterprise, Region, State” was held.

On June 29, 2022, the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Innovative Development of the Management System: Enterprise, Region, State” was held at the Educational and Scientific Institute of Continuing Education of the National Aviation University. With the support of the director of NNINO, Ph.D. Slyunyaev Artem Serhiyovych, deputy director of NNINO, Doctor of Economics, professor Natalia Mykolaivna Hrushchynska, foreign scientists, scientists from the cities of Ukraine: Lviv, Kherson, Chernivtsi were included in the conference. The organizers of the conference were the department of management technologies under the leadership of the head, Doctor of Economics, associate professor Oksana Volodymyrivna Polishchuk, the department of public management and administration under the leadership of the acting head of the Doctor of State Administration. Larisa Mykhailivna Melnychuk, the Department of Human Factors Management headed by the Head, Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor Lyudmila Andriivna Sydorchuk; scientific and pedagogical workers, students, listeners. NNINO stakeholders, members of the Council of Employers E.P. Havrilov, M.O. Zhuravlyov were involved in the work of the conference.

Based on the results of the conference, an electronic collection of theses and certificates of participation were prepared.

Program of the International scientific and practical conference “Innovative development of management system: enterprise, region, state”