All-Ukrainian Scientific Conference “Innovations and Prospects of Public Administration and Administration Development: Ukrainian and World Experience” Held – The Educational and Scientific Institute of Continuing Education
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All-Ukrainian Scientific Conference “Innovations and Prospects of Public Administration and Administration Development: Ukrainian and World Experience” Held

On April 23, 2020, the All-Ukrainian Scientific Conference “Innovations and Prospects for Public Administration and Administration Development: Ukrainian and World Experience” was held online using the Zoom platform.

The conference was attended by representatives of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Vadim Hetman National University of Economics, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, students and the National Research Institute of Continuing Education of NAU. The main speaker of the conference was Doctor of Economics, Head of the Department of Public Administration and Administration Natalia G.Grushchina with the report “Formation of possible hybrids of political systems and features of economic policies under the influence of COVID-19”.

As a result of the conference, there are a number of identified issues of economic and social development of the Ukrainian society of today, to which it was agreed to return by the conference participants in a month, in order to clarify their solution in the context of the development of public administration in Ukraine.
Thanks for the interesting discussion to all those who attended the conference!