A meeting of the “School of Young Public Managers” student group dedicated to Europe Day took place – The Educational and Scientific Institute of Continuing Education
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A meeting of the “School of Young Public Managers” student group dedicated to Europe Day took place

Відбулось засідання студентського гуртка «Школа молодого публічного управлінця» присвяченого Дню Європи

On May 1, 2023, a meeting of the “School of Young Public Manager” student group dedicated to Europe Day took place. The month of May is full of important dates of the European Union. On May 1, 2004, Poland, Hungary, Slovenia, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Cyprus and Malta joined the European Union;
May 9 – the holiday of Europe, the day of Peace and Unity;
Every third Saturday in May is Europe Day in Ukraine, according to the Decree of the President of Ukraine “On Europe Day” dated April 19, 2003.