The scientific seminar of the Department of Human Factors Management of NNINO NAU “Methodological principles and methodological features of the organization of interdisciplinary research in the field of human factors” was held. – The Educational and Scientific Institute of Continuing Education
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The scientific seminar of the Department of Human Factors Management of NNINO NAU “Methodological principles and methodological features of the organization of interdisciplinary research in the field of human factors” was held.

On May 17, 2024, the scientific seminar of the Department of Human Factors Management of NNINO of NAU “Methodological principles and methodological features of the organization of interdisciplinary research in the field of human factors” was held. Full of symbolic content for the participants of the seminar was its holding on the eve of Science Day, which Ukrainian scientists celebrate annually on the third Saturday of May.

The purpose of the seminar was the formation of a common vision by the department’s scientists of interdisciplinary areas of promising scientific research and the development of current issues of scientific cooperation in accordance with the directions of the department, which cover managerial, psychological, medical, engineering and pedagogical aspects of the human factor.

In the introductory speech of the head of the department, prof. Sydorchuk L.A. a conceptual vision of a combination of theoretical and applied areas of work on the issue of human factor risks was proposed.

The scientists of the department focused in detail on the consideration of such issues as coordination of efforts in the development of perspective models and concepts of work with the human factor in industries with increased dangers in the conditions of Industry 4.0, the expansion of areas of empirical research into the psychological aspects of the functioning of modern sociotechnical systems, participation in the development of the creation of the latest tools information interaction between man and machine. Particular attention was paid to the research programs of individual and team reliability of employees in various conditions of activity, as well as to the problems of industrial psychohygiene and psychoprophylaxis, crisis management and personnel training in the conditions of enterprises and organizations. Prof. department, faculty of psychology N. Petrenko O.V., Assoc. department, Faculty of Medicine N. Vyshnichenko S.I., Assoc., Doctor of Psychology. N. O.V. Secheiko. Department employees, scientific partners and guests of the seminar took an active part in the discussion of the raised issues during joint and sectional work.