We bow to Lina Kostenko – The Educational and Scientific Institute of Continuing Education
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We bow to Lina Kostenko

On March 28, 2024, the Educational and Scientific Institute of Continuing Education held a creative meeting “The Influence of Lina Kostenko’s Creativity on Modern Youth”, dedicated to the 94th anniversary of Lina Vasylivna Kostenko’s birthday.

The event was attended by about 100 participants, including students and employees of NNINO and students of other faculties of NAU. The meeting was moderated by candidate of philological sciences Serhii Cheripko, who characterized the main milestones of the poetess’s life and work for the participants, and the students recited her poems that are eternally alive and relevant for any era of poetry.

The held creative meeting made everyone understand that the lines of poetry, individual quotes and aphorisms of Lina Kostenko are a kind of motto of the life of Ukrainians, and especially for modern youth, in modern life, under the influence of the great war with Russia, when it is necessary to act. And these lines are perhaps the most inspiring for us, the contemporaries of the poetess, and will be studied by more than one generation of Ukrainians:

«Струснуло стіни – і двигтіло довго ще.
Сирени вили, блискало на склі.
То що – тікати? Бігти в бомбосховище?
А не діждав би фюрер у Кремлі!
Хай сам боїться – він уже вчорашній.
Посіють бомби – ненависть пожнуть.
Сирени виють. А мені не страшно.
Хто не тікав, того не доженуть»