Graduation in courses under the new program “Psychotherapy and psychocorrection of combat mental trauma” – The Educational and Scientific Institute of Continuing Education
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Graduation in courses under the new program “Psychotherapy and psychocorrection of combat mental trauma”

Graduation in courses under the new program Psychotherapy and psychocorrection of combat mental trauma

On August 28, the graduation of the group under the new program “Psychotherapy and psychocorrection” took place at the NNINO examination and certification center on advanced training courses combat mental trauma”.

This is an updated, supplemented and modified program, which was formed on the basis of the program “Prevention and psychocorrection of combat mental trauma”.

A significant difference of the new program is primarily the dynamism and intensity of the classes, which is connected with the need to quickly acquire knowledge, skills and mastery of the latest effective methods of diagnosis and rehabilitation of certain crisis states of military personnel.
The courses were conducted by Serhii Ivanovich Vyshnichenko, candidate of medicine. of Sciences, an experienced practitioner and a high-class specialist in the field of psychotherapy and psychiatry, who has both long-term and current experience in the prevention and psychocorrection of combat mental trauma.

In their feedback, the listeners express: “Many thanks to the teacher for meaningful and informative lectures and information from their own experience”; summarize: “We were very interested, informative, and sometimes unexpectedly pleased with everything that was given to us!” And the listeners noted and thanked for the unique creative atmosphere, warmth and endless internal resources that prevailed in the group, which allowed them to be open and effectively share the acquired experience.

All recordings of online meetings, presentations, additional materials, questionnaires, tests, literature were provided and remained to the students in the general chat of the course on the Telegram social network.

We are recruiting a new group in September!

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