We invite you to an open lecture by the professor of the Department of Public Management and Administration, Doctor of Sciences in Public Administration, Associate Professor Oleksandra Marusheva on the topic: “IMAGE AND ITS SIGNIFICANCE IN THE ACTIVITIES OF A CIVIL SERVANT” – The Educational and Scientific Institute of Continuing Education
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We invite you to an open lecture by the professor of the Department of Public Management and Administration, Doctor of Sciences in Public Administration, Associate Professor Oleksandra Marusheva on the topic: “IMAGE AND ITS SIGNIFICANCE IN THE ACTIVITIES OF A CIVIL SERVANT”

On March 11, 2024, at 09:50, an open lecture will be held by the professor of the Department of Public Administration and Administration of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Continuing Education of the National Aviation University, Doctor of Sciences in Public Administration, Associate Professor Oleksandra Anatoliivna Marusheva for students of the 4th year of the BA “Bachelor” specialty 281 “Public Administration and administration” OPP “Public management and administration” on the topic: “Image and its importance in the activity of a civil servant”.

Link to open lecture: https://meet. google.com/aig-zdtp-hhe