A meeting of the scientific-methodical-editorial board took place online – The Educational and Scientific Institute of Continuing Education
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A meeting of the scientific-methodical-editorial board took place online

Засідання науково-методично-редакційної ради

On May 22, 2020, the NMRD meeting of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Continuing Education took place online, at which a number of issues related to the organization and coordination of all types of educational and methodological activities and distance learning of students and listeners were considered.

The meeting was opened and greeted by the Director of NNINO, the head of NMRD I. Deinega, drawing attention to the problems and challenges that arise when working remotely and which must always be addressed by joint efforts and fruitful work of the team.

Heads of departments of public administration and administration N. Hrushchynska, management of vocational education L. Sydorchuk, as well as associate professor of management technologies I. Ivanov informed about the peculiarities of providing economic education to masters and the state of professional development of research and teaching staff at the departments.

No less important was the state and prospects of postgraduate education at the Institute, during which the director of NNINO I. Deinega and deputy director M. Shinkarchuk shared their vision on the modernization of postgraduate education.

The director of the center N. Malinovska and the heads of the departments reported on the certified education of students as a means of improving the quality of training and the peculiarities of its organization at the Institute.