Reports on the work of NNINO structural units during the quarantine period (30.03.20 – 03.04.20) – The Educational and Scientific Institute of Continuing Education
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Reports on the work of NNINO structural units during the quarantine period (30.03.20 – 03.04.20)

Report of the Department of PEM Sidorchuk L.A.

  1. For masters of specialty 011 Education, pedagogical sciences (full-time) published materials on the discipline “Educational and professional psychology” on the subject “Psychological foundations of educational process in higher education”: lecture lecture; tasks for practical elaboration on a topic; tasks for independent work of students; the material of the recommended scientific sources is presented for processing. According to the class schedule, the materials will be delivered on April 13.
  2. The curriculum of the specialty 011Educational, Pedagogical Sciences for the Higher Education Pedagogics and Higher Education Pedagogics and the Information Communication Technologies in Education for 2020/2021 was updated. in a new form.
  3. Work has begun on the publication in the international collective monograph “New tendencies of economic systems management in the face of today’s global challenges.”

Report of the associate professor of Department PEM Sivashenko T.V.

During the quarantine period, the following types of scientific and methodological work were performed:

  1. To provide remote interaction with the students of the first year of the Master’s degree in correspondence form of specialty 073 “Management” of OGP “Innovation Management”, created a virtual educational course on Google Classroom platform, which is filled with educational material.
  2. Work program on Business Administration, Strategic Project Management, Behavioral Economics, Innovation Management, International Economic Development Strategy, part of the Innovation Management OP, is under development.
  3. Work continues on the publication in the international collective monograph “New tendencies of economic systems management in the face of today’s global challenges.”

Report of Associate Professor of the Department of Professional Education Management Harlamenko VB

on the development of electronic versions of NMC courses

Name of the courseDeveloper Name(s)Notes
1“Theory and Practice of Professional Education”Harlamenko V.B.The work program, lecture notes, plans of practical classes, methodical recommendations with the task for independent work, the task for modular control works are developed.
2«Marketing and image activity of educational institution»Harlamenko V.B.In the process of developing a work program, lecture notes, plans for practical classes, methodological recommendations with the task of independent work, the task for modular control work, exam questions.
3“Teacher’s Pedagogical Skills”Harlamenko V.B.In the process of developing a work program, lecture notes, lesson plans, methodical recommendations with the task of independent work, homework assignments, exam questions.
4“Simulation of specialist education and training”Harlamenko V.B.The work program, lecture notes, plans of practical classes, methodical recommendations with the task for independent work, the task for modular control works are developed.
5«Technology of effective communication in the modern conflict»Harlamenko V.B.A work program, lecture notes, plans for practical classes, methodological recommendations with the task of independent work, tasks for home control work.

Report of the Associate Professor of the Department PEM, Shabliy L.M.

on the development of electronic versions of NMC courses

Name of the courseDeveloper Name(s)Notes
1«The philosophy of education»Shabliy L.M.Reference lecture notes (in progress)
Guidelines for preparation for practical work (in process)
Guidelines for independent work (in process)
Methodological recommendations for performing control works (in process)
Knowledge control tasks (in process)
2«Інноваційні технології е-навчання»Shabliy L.M.Reference lecture notes (in progress)
Guidelines for preparation for practical work (in process)
Methodological recommendations for performing control works (in process)
Guidelines for independent work (in process)

Report of the Associate Professor of the Department of Professional Education Management Fendio O.M.

During the period of introduction of quarantine measures the following types of scientific and educational-methodical works were performed:

  1. For effective organization of distance learning of students of the ICT 011 M group, a virtual educational course “Designing and Expertise of the Information and Educational Environment” was created on the Google Classroom platform and according to the schedule of classes the materials on TOPIC 6 were published: multimedia presentations on topic 6; practical work assignments on topic 6; tasks for independent work of students; the material of the recommended scientific sources is presented for processing.
  2. Звіт Фендьо
    Звіт Фендьо

  3. In the process of developing a work program in the discipline “Design and examination of information and educational environment”, which is part of the EPP “Information and Communication Technologies in Education” and the development of work programs “World educational systems”, “Professional and corporate ethics”.
  4. Developed a work program for the discipline “Information and Communication Technologies in Management of Educational Systems” under EPP “Pedagogy of Higher Education”;
  5. The work on writing a scientific article has been completed and submitted for double “blind review” to a professional scientific publication “Information Technologies and Teaching Aids”;
  6. The curriculum for the educational program “Information and Communication Technologies in Education” was updated for 2020/2021. in a new form;
  7. Enrolled in the Courseca World Education System to study in the Career Success specialization. The course structure and its main 10 topics were introduced.
  8. Звіт Фендьо

Schedule of the teacher of the Department of Management of Professional Education Lavrenko O.V. (part-time teacher, 0.25 item) in the period from 01.04.2020 to 04.17.2020

Type of workAmount of workEvidence of compliance
1Prepare the text of the lecture and assignments for practical lesson # 5 on the topic 2.2.5. «Formation and development of the mechanism of state-public management of quality of education in Ukraine State strategic directions of modernization of national education»Volume of lecture text – 23 p.; volume of text of the practical lesson: 2 p.Lecture and practice text files were sent to the student group’s e-mail: 31.03.2020

In the future, the topic is being prepared 2.2.6.


Karaulschuk Larisa – completed the practical training № 3 and № 4
Chubata Tetiana – completed the practical training № 3 and № 4
Pershina Oleksandra – completed the practical training № 3

Schedule of Teacher of the Department of Professional Education Management of Moskalyov Maxim Vladimirovich in the period from 03.12.2020 to 03.31.2020

Type of workAmount of workEvidence of compliance
1Developing a presentation for the subject: “Features of the use of coaching tools in the activities of conflictologists”18 slidesElectronic products
2Participation in conferences and seminars off-line:

  1. «Wiley Publishing House Online Resources to Help Researchers«, Kyiv, 19.03.2020,
  2. 15th International Scientific and Practical Conference “Personalization Socialization in Conditions of Systemic Change: Theoretical and Applied Problems” (Kyiv, G.S. Kostyuk Institute, Kyiv, 20.03.2020)
Certificate received
Availability of the program
3Placement of own page of the special course of UVUPO virtual chair (Special course)Having your own websiteHaving your own website
4Submission work: Scientometric article «Рedagogical staff training for use of the «universal-online» cloud service managing projects of the student personal development within education environment», Scopus indexed (co-authored)16 pagesThe work was accepted for printing

Department of Public Administration and Administration Report

Teachers of the Department of Public Administration and Administration will continue to implement the educational process for full-time students of the Master’s and the Bachelor’s degree courses through the use of distance learning. Google classrooms are updated with lectures and ongoing monitoring of practical tasks.

Head of Department, Doctor of Economics Natalia G. Grushchyna teaches Economics and Financial Management in Public Management for 1st year Master’s students of full-time MA and Economic Theory for 1st year Bachelor students using Google Classroom for assignments and is active the use of the Zoom platform for online lectures, an increased number of times per week, as scheduled by the audience. Which is explained by the students’ interest in learning the materials provided and the convenience.

Preparation of the abstracts together with the students of the magistracy for the XX International Scientific and Practical Conference “Flight”.
At the same time, work programs, syllabuses, educational and methodological complexes in the disciplines “Economic Policy in Public Administration”, “Public Sector Management”, “Economic Theory in Public Management”, “State-Business Interaction in Modern Geopolitical Conditions” are updated.
Submitted for re-editing and design registration of the textbook “Interaction between the state and business in modern geopolitical conditions” by Gtushchinskaya NM

Associate Professor, Ph.D. Miletich Olga Olehivna teaches the subject “Constitutional Law” for the first year students of the Bachelor of Science degree. Teachers are given hands-on assignments and feedback from both the google class and students’ emails.

Olga Olehivna, Assistant Professor of Yevtushenko Chair, teaches “Civil Society and Public Policy” for students of the first year of the Master’s program. The google classes you create have practical assignments and two scheduled lessons. The work programs under the direction of Aviation Management and Administration are being updated and NMS courses are being prepared:

  • Enterprise Economy;
  • Social and Humanitarian Policy;
  • “Human Factors in Aviation”;
  • “The Structure of Public Administration of Civil Aviation in Ukraine”;
  • Public Administration and Homeland Security;
  • “Public Society and Public Policy”

Preparation of lectures and practical material for the course “Civil Society and Public Policy” and homework review.
Assistant Professor of the Department of Public Administration and Administration Irina Chibisova works with students of the first Bachelor of Science degree course in Economics Forecasting through Google class and using email.

Chair of the Department, Candidate of Philosophy Irina Petlenko is working on the development of projects of work programs for the specialty 281. Public administration and administration in the following disciplines:

  • International Civil Aviation Organization
  • Aviation Strategic Planning
  • The role of the national elite in managing public development
  • Airport Management
  • Airlines management

Development of tasks and control over their execution for independent work during the quarantine period for the 1st year students of the Bachelor of Arts in discipline “History of Ukrainian culture and statehood”. Development of tasks and control over their performance for independent work during the quarantine period for 1st year students of the OCR Master’s Degree in Strategic Management in Public Sphere and Social Governance, Regional Development and Self-Government.

Other teachers of the department carry out scientific and methodological work in the form of training syllabus and educational-methodical complexes, because they do not have a classroom load for full-time study.

In addition, new draft work plans were elaborated and submitted to the NAU Training Department for approval. Preparations are underway to adjust the EPP according to changes in work plans