Improvement of qualification of aviation specialists of Kazakhstan – The Educational and Scientific Institute of Continuing Education

Improvement of qualification of aviation specialists of Kazakhstan

In the Educational and Scientific Institute of Continuous Education, training under the program “Modern technologies of aviation fuel supply” for aviation specialists of the Republic of Kazakhstan has been completed. The courses were held in the period from December 5 to 9, 2022 in the city of Almaty, the participants of the courses are representatives of the fuel and refueling complex JSC “Almaty International Airport”.

The course program is based on ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices (Doc 9977. Manual for the supply of civil aviation with jet fuel). The instructor of the course is Professor of the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Technology FEBIT, candidate of technical sciences Olena MATVYEVA.

As part of the main program, the course participants together with the instructor conducted an on-site lesson at the base of the airport refueling service, where they had the opportunity to implement the acquired theoretical and practical knowledge.