Sidorchuk Ludmila Andriyvna – The Educational and Scientific Institute of Continuing Education

Sidorchuk Ludmila Andriyvna


Date, month, year of birth: 06/25/1955

Main Position: Head of the department of human factor management

Internship Start Date (NAU Post): 02/21/2019

Traineeships and / or full-time: 20 years

Teacher-assigned course names and number of lecture hours:

  1. Research Methodology and Organization (34 hrs) – MSc Ph.D.
  2. Research Methodology and Organization (10 hrs) – MSc Ph.D.
  3. Pedagogical and Professional Psychology (17 hrs) – OS “Master” Ph.D.
  4. Pedagogical and professional psychology (6 hours) – OS “Master” Ph.D.

Qualification Information (Internship): Kyiv International University, Institute of Linguistics and Psychology, Department of Psychology and Pedagogy (Internship). Topic: “Formation of communicative competence of high school teachers”. Internship deadline: 01/04/2019 to 30/04/2019.

Scientific title: Professor

Degree: Doctor of Education

Top posts by Activity:

  1. Sidorchuk L.A. Methodological principles of teaching ergonomics of future teachers of technology // Collection of materials of the international scientific conference / [ed .: PS Atamanchuk (editor-in-chief), etc.]. – Kamianets-Podilskyi: Printing House Ruta, 2015. – 172 p. –S.110-112
  2. Sidorchuk L.A. Ergonomic competence as a component of professional competence of the future technology teacher // Pedagogical theory and practice: Coll. of sciences. Proceedings – K .: CMU, 2015. – Issue 4. – 404 sec. – pp. 226-235.
  3. Sidorchuk L.A. The Role of Ergonomic Technologies in Teacher’s Professional Performance // Collection of Scientific Articles of Kyiv International University and Institute of Social and Political Psychology of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine. Series: Psychological Sciences: Problems and Achievements. Issue 3. – K .: KimU, 2015. – P. 252-263.
  4. Sidorchuk LA, Chorna OG Conceptual provisions of the methodology of teaching social and ecological safety of future teachers of technology // Collection of scientific works of Kamianets-Podilsky National University named after Ivan Ogienko. The series is pedagogical / [editor: PS Atamanchuk (chairman, scientific editor), etc.]. – Kamianets-Podilskyi: Kamianets-Podilskyi National University named after Ivan Ogienko, 2016. – Issue 22: Didactic mechanisms of effective formation of competency qualities of future specialists of physical and technological specialties. – 250 sec. – P.220-224.
  5. Sidorchuk L.A. Contemporary Ukrainian labor protection paradigm in the context of European integration // Scientific journal of NP Dragomanov. Series 5. Pedagogical sciences: realities and perspectives. – Issue 31: a collection of scientific papers. – K: NPU them. MP Dragomanova, 2017. – P.100-106.
  6. Sidorchuk L.A. An Innovative Approach to Forming the Professional Competence of a Modern Occupational Safety Specialist // Proceedings of the Third International Scientific and Practical Conference of Memory of Academician DO Thorzhevsky, “Labor Education and Technologies: Modern Realities and Perspectives of Development” (March 23, 2018) , V International Scientific and Practical Conference of Memory of the Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine VK Sidorenko, “Topical issues of graphic training: theory, practice and ways of development” (March 24, 2018) / for total. ed. DE Kilder. – K .: NPU them. MP Dragomanova, 2018 – P.86-88

Attend conferences:

  1. II International Scientific and Practical Conference in Memory of the Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine VK Sidorenko “Topical Issues of Graphic Training: Theory, Practice and Ways of Development”, Kyiv, February 27, 2015;
  2. V International Scientific and Practical Conference named after Academician DO Thorzhevsky “Educational branch” Technology “: realities and prospects”, Kyiv, February 28, 2015;
  3. VI International Scientific and Practical Conference named after Academician DOThorzhevsky Educational Branch “Technology”: Realities and Prospects “, Uman – Kyiv, April 22, 2016;
  4. IV International Scientific and Practical Conference of Memory of the Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine VK Sidorenko “Topical issues of graphic training: theory, practice and ways of development”, Kyiv, March 4, 2017;
  5. VII International Scientific and Practical Conference named after Academician DO Thorzhevsky “Labor education and technologies: modern realities and perspective of development”, Kyiv, March 3, 2017;
  6. VIII International Scientific and Practical Conference in Memory of Academician DOThorzhevsky “Labor Education and Technologies: Modern Realities and the Perspective of Development”, March 23, 2018, Kyiv;
  7. V International Scientific Conference on Memory of Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine VK Sidorenko “Topical issues of graphic training: theory, practice and ways of development”, March 24, 2018, Kyiv;
  8. XVIII International Scientific and Practical Conference “Youth in a Social Perspective”, May 15, 2019, Kyiv, National Aviation University

Student Scientific Guidance: Leadership of the problematic group of the Young Researcher Studio “Osvitory” of the Department of Management of Vocational Education of NNINO NAU on the topic: “The problem of conflict in foreign psychology”

Availability (at least 5) of publications in scientific publications included in the list of scientific professional publications of Ukraine:

  1. Sidorchuk L.A. Development of the theory and practice of designing systems “man – machine” // Scientific journal of the National Pedagogical University named after MP. Drahomanov. Series 13. Problems of labor and vocational training. – Issue 9: Coll. scientific works. – K .: NPU named after MP Drahomanov, 2017. – 125 p. – P.63-69.
  2. Sidorchuk L.A. Ergonomic competence as a component of professional competence of the future technology teacher // Pedagogical theory and practice: Coll. of sciences. Proceedings – K .: CMU, 2015. – Issue 4. – 404 sec. – pp. 226-235.
  3. Sidorchuk L.A. The Role of Ergonomic Technologies in Teacher’s Professional Performance // Collection of Scientific Articles of Kyiv International University and Institute of Social and Political Psychology of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine. Series: Psychological Sciences: Problems and Achievements. Issue 3. – K .: KimU, 2015. – P. 252-263.
  4. Sidorchuk L.A. Development of theory and practice of designing systems “man – machine” // Scientific journal of the National Pedagogical University named after MP Drahomanov. Series 13. Problems of labor and vocational training. – Issue 9: Coll. scientific works. –K .: MP Dragomanov NPU, 2017. – 125 p. – P.63-69.
  5. Sidorchuk LA, Korets OM Standardization as a means of ensuring the safety and quality of goods, works, services // Scientific journal of NP Dragomanov NPU. Series 5. Pedagogical sciences: realities and perspectives. – Issue 131: Collection of Scientific Papers. – K: NPU them. MP Dragomanova, 2016 – P.100-106.
  6. Sidorchuk L.A. Contemporary Ukrainian labor protection paradigm in the context of European integration // Scientific journal of NP Dragomanov. Series 5. Pedagogical sciences: realities and perspectives. – Issue 31: a collection of scientific papers. – K: NPU them. MP Dragomanova, 2017. – P.100-106.
  7. Sidorchuk LA, Shabliy L.M. Mental processes in human operator activity and their psychological features // Pedagogical theory and practice: Coll. of sciences. Proceedings – K .: KimU, 2019. – Issue. 1 (8) – P. 217-226.

Available textbooks, tutorials, or monographs published:

  1. Sidorchuk L.A. The ergonomic culture of the future technology teacher. Monograph. – K.: NPS, 2010. – 413 pp.
  2. Sidorchuk LA Fundamentals of Ergonomics: Educ. tool. / L.A. Sidorchuk. –K .: Publishing House of NPU Drahomanov, 2011. – 369 pp.

Organizational work in educational institutions / scientific institutions in the positions of supervisor (deputy supervisor): Head of the department of general technical disciplines of MP Dragomanov National Pedagogical University, 2016 – 2019; Head of the Department of Vocational Education Management at the Aviation Continuing Education Institute of the National Aviation University from February 21, 2019 to the present

Higher education diploma (diploma): Higher education diploma D-1 №304204, issued on June 12, 1979, Lviv Polytechnic Institute, majoring in Aerofotogeodesy, qualification – aerofotogeodist engineer .

Assistant Professor / Professor Certificate: Assistant Professor Certificate of DC No. 009627, issued by the decision of the Attestation Commission on December 16, 2004, Protocol No. 5/24-D; the certificate of the professor 12PR №009175, issued by the decision of the Attestation commission on January 17, 2014, protocol № 1/01-П.

Diploma of Candidate / Doctor of Science: Diploma of Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences in the specialty 13.00.04 – Theory and Methodology of Vocational Education DK 018019, issued by the Presidium by the decision of the Higher Attestation Commission of March 12, 2003 (Minutes # 12- 06/3); Diploma of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences in the specialty 13.00.02 – Theory and methodology of teaching (technical disciplines) DD No. 001037 was issued on the basis of the decision of the Certification Board of September 26, 2012).