Zubiashvili Irina Konstyantynivna – The Educational and Scientific Institute of Continuing Education
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Zubiashvili Irina Konstyantynivna


Date, month, year of birth: 11.10.1952

Main Position: Senior Fellow at the GSKostiuk Institute of Psychology of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine

NAU Employment Status: Part-time (0.25) / Reconciliation

Internship Start Date (NAU Post): 01/11/2019

Traineeships and / or Full-Years: 46 years

Teacher-assigned course names and number of lecture hours:

  1. Psychology of Conflict (15 Hours) – MSc Master
  2. Organizational Psychology (16 hours) – MSc Master
  3. Management Psychology (12 hours) – MSc Master
  4. Conflict Management (30 hours) – MSc Master
  5. Psychology of effective communication in modern conflict (23 hours) – OS “Master”

Qualifications (Internship):

Professional Development (180 hours) at the Department of Public Health and the Department of Family Psychopedics of the Institute of Family and Social Sciences of the Catholic University of Lublin, John Paul II within the program “Psychological Technologies in Family Counseling and Mental Health Care” (Lublin, Poland), from 03.09.2007 to 24.08.2018 (Certificate)

Scientific title: Assistant Professor

Degree: Candidate of Psychology

Top posts by Activity:

  1. Zubiashvili IK Features of formation of bases of monetary culture of personality // Actual problems of psychology: Coll. of sciences. Proceedings of the GS Kostyuk Institute of Psychology of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine. – Vol. 11. – Vyp. 12. – K.: Phoenix, 2015. – P.650-657.
  2. Zubiashvily I. Social and psychological aspects of the monetary culture of society // Psychological journal: a scientific and practical journal of the Institute of Psychology of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, 2016. – Issue. 2. – T. 2. – P. 220 – 243. URL: http://ua.appsyjournal.com/.
  3. Irina Zubiashvily. Dinero: Esencia socio-psicológica y funciones // El Alma Pública. Revista desdisciplinada de psicología social, 2017 (Mexico) – №18. – pp. 45-62.
  4. Zubiashvili I.K. Psychological regularities of economic socialization of student youth in modern conditions // Actual problems of psychology. – Vol.1. – No. 46, 2017. – P.34-38.
  5. Zubiashvily I. Psychological aspects of the monetary culture of the family // Fundamental and applied researches in the practice of leading scientific schools, 2018 – T. I. – Volume 25, Number 1.
  6. Zubiashvili I., Melnychuk T. Psychological features of monetary culture of modern family // Fundamental and applied researches in practice of leading scientific schools, 2018. – T. I. – Volume 25, Number 1. – P.135- 139.
  7. Zubiashvili IK Monetary culture as a component of economic personality culture // Current problems of psychology: Coll. of sciences. Proceedings of the GS Psychology Institute Kostyuk NAPN of Ukraine. – 2019. – T. I.: Organizational psychology. Economic psychology. Social Psychology. – No. 52. – P. 40 – 45.

Attend conferences:

  1. The 10th International Scientific and Practical Conference “Personalization Socialization in Conditions of Systemic Change: Theoretical and Applied Problems” (March 20, 2015, Kyiv).
  2. VIIІ International Scientific-Practical Conference “Personality and Society: Problems of Interaction” (April 23, 2015, Chelyabinsk, Russia.)
  3. Second All-Ukrainian Congress on Organizational and Economic Psychology (May 28-30, 2015, Kamiane-Podilsky).
  4. Międzynarodowa Konferencja Naukowo-Metodyczna “Prawa dziecka: realizacja w rodzinie i społeczeństwie” (June 9-10, 2015, Stalowa Wola, Poland).
  5. IV All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference “Problems of deviant behavior: history, theory, practice” (October 1-2, 2015, Kyiv-Uzhgorod).
  6. Eleventh International Scientific and Practical Conference “Personalization Socialization in Conditions of Systemic Change: Theoretical and Applied Problems” (March 18, 2016, Kyiv).
  7. All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference “Psychological and pedagogical support of professional training and advanced training in the conditions of educational transformation” (May 27, 2016, DVNZ University of Management Education »NAPU of Ukraine, Kyiv).
  8. Międzynarodowa Konferencja Naukowo-Metodyczna «Cocial inclusion – a multimensional analyis (20 June 2016, Lublin, Poland)
  9. International Scientific and Practical Conference “Building Economic Education and Forming the Basics of Financial Literacy for Student Youth – the Basis for Civil Society Development and Becoming a Knowledge Economy” (September 29-30, 2016, Kyiv).
  10. Fifth International Science Ave.

Student Scientific Guidance: Scientific guide for writing a dissertation “Psychological Features of Monetary Socialization of Student Youth” (OJ Nykonenko, post-graduate student of GS Kostiuk Institute of Psychology) (2016-2019).

Availability (at least 5) of publications in scientific publications included in the list of scientific professional publications of Ukraine:

  1. Zubiashvili I.K. Research of psychological peculiarities of monetary culture in connection with the peculiarities of the attitude of high school students to money // Fundamental and applied research in the practices of leading scientific schools. – 2015. – № 3 (9); URL: fund-issled-intern.esrae.ru/9-135.
  2. Zubiashvily I. Social and psychological aspects of the monetary culture of society // Psychological journal: a scientific and practical journal of the Institute of Psychology of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, 2016. – Issue. 2. – T. 2. – P. 220 – 243. URL: http://ua.appsyjournal.com/
  3. Zubiashvili IK Psychological patterns of economic socialization of student youth in modern conditions // Actual problems of psychology. – Vol.1. – No. 46, 2017. – P.34-38.
  4. Zubiashvili IK Training Practices in the Socio-Psychological Support of the Monetary Culture of High School Students // Current Issues in Psychology: Coll. of sciences. Proceedings of the GSKostiuk Institute of Psychology, National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, 2018. – Vol.1: Organizational psychology. Economic psychology. Social Psychology. – No. 48. P. 19 -24
  5. Zubiashvili I. The essence of economic personality culture and its role in economic socialization // “Psychological journal”, 2019. – Volume 22, Number 2. – P. 163-183 – Access mode: DOI (Issue) : https://doi.org/10.31108/1.2019.2.22
  6. Zubiashvili IK Monetary culture as a component of economic personality culture // Current problems of psychology: Coll. of sciences. Proceedings of the GS Psychology Institute Kostyuk NAPN of Ukraine. – 2019. – T. I.: Organizational psychology. Economic psychology. Social Psychology. – No. 52. – P. 40 – 45.

Available textbooks, tutorials, or monographs published:

  1. Zubiashvili I.K. Formation of economic culture of young people in the conditions of school education: guidelines [Educ. material] / IK Zubiashvili, NMDembitskaya [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: http://lib.iitta.gov.ua/id/eprint/10167. – 2015 – 149p.
  2. Zubiashvili Irina. Attitudes toward money as a factor in the economic socialization of high school students: monograph – Riga, Latvia, European Union, 17 Meldrum Street, Beau Bassin 71504, 2019. – 252 pp.

Higher Education Diploma (Diplomas): Diploma G-1 No. 174027 (October 2, 1981), Tbilisi State Pedagogical Institute. O. Pushkin; diploma KV No. 27561205 (July 27, 2005), Central Institute of Postgraduate Teacher Education

Assistant Professor / Professor Certificate: AS № 001263 (09/23/2014) Certification Board of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine

Candidate / Doctor of Science Degree: DK № 054986 (October 14, 2009) Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine