To the attention of NNINO students! – The Educational and Scientific Institute of Continuing Education
Авіаційна та інженерна неперервна освіта
Освіта впродовж життя
Lifelong learning
Освіта дорослих
Освіта для бізнесу

To the attention of NNINO students!

On the first of September, classes begin for students of 2-4 courses of OS “Bachelor” and 2nd year of OS “Master”. The first two weeks will feature online lectures using G Suite for Education, Moodle and Google Classroom technologies.

The first year of OS “Bachelor” begins the academic year on September 15, and the first year of OS “Master” – on September 21. For them, small group meetings will be held with representatives of the faculty / institute administration, student self-government bodies, group curators and teachers.

In connection with anti-epidemic measures, NAU is introducing a flexible schedule of the educational process in the 2020-2021 academic year, namely:

  • I, II courses of OS “Bachelor” will be engaged in the first shift, which will begin at 8:00 am;
  • III and IV courses of OS “Bachelor”, I course of OS “Master”, I and II courses of OS “Doctor of Philosophy” and students of the preparatory department will be engaged in the second shift from 14:40.

More details on the official NAU website .