To the attention of NNINO students! – The Educational and Scientific Institute of Continuing Education

To the attention of NNINO students!

On the first of September, classes begin for students of 2-4 courses of OS “Bachelor” and 2nd year of OS “Master”. The first two weeks will feature online lectures using G Suite for Education, Moodle and Google Classroom technologies.

The first year of OS “Bachelor” begins the academic year on September 15, and the first year of OS “Master” – on September 21. For them, small group meetings will be held with representatives of the faculty / institute administration, student self-government bodies, group curators and teachers.

In connection with anti-epidemic measures, NAU is introducing a flexible schedule of the educational process in the 2020-2021 academic year, namely:

  • I, II courses of OS “Bachelor” will be engaged in the first shift, which will begin at 8:00 am;
  • III and IV courses of OS “Bachelor”, I course of OS “Master”, I and II courses of OS “Doctor of Philosophy” and students of the preparatory department will be engaged in the second shift from 14:40.

More details on the official NAU website .