Educational components – The Educational and Scientific Institute of Continuing Education
Авіаційна та інженерна неперервна освіта
Освіта впродовж життя
Lifelong learning
Освіта дорослих
Освіта для бізнесу

Educational components

Cycle of humanitarian and socio-economic training
1 course
Business Ukrainian languageHistory of Ukrainian statehood and culture
Professional foreign languageProfessional foreign language
Physical education and self-improvement
2nd year
Cycle of professional training
1 course
Introduction to Public Management and AdministrationEnterprise economy
History and theory of public administrationEconomic Theory
Fundamentals of jurisprudenceConstitutional Law
Electronic governmentAdministrative Management
Electronic document managementFundamentals of financial and statistical analysis of economic processes
2nd year
Micro and macroeconomicsManagement of human resources in the civil service
Theory of economic analysisPublic Policy
Ethics and image-making in public serviceBudget system of Ukraine
Political ScienceInternational Economy
3rd year
State and regional administrationTax system
State regulation of the economy and economic policyPublic Finance
Public administration in the economic sphereStrategic management and planning in public administration
Fundamentals of social management
of security in the aviation industry
Public Relations Organization
International Economic Relations
4th year
Finance, Money and CreditFundamentals of corporate culture management
Prevention of corruption in public servicePublic Service
Information SecurityFundamentals of local self-government
Information Law
Cycle of practical training
1 courseProfessional introductory practice
2nd yearProfessional practice
3rd yearProduction practice
4th gradePre-diploma practice
(individual educational trajectory)