Chibisova Iryna Valentynivna – The Educational and Scientific Institute of Continuing Education
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Chibisova Iryna Valentynivna

Chibisova Iryna Valentynivna

Main position: senior lecturer of the Department of Public Management and Administration.


Kirovohrad Institute of Agricultural Engineering (Central Ukrainian National Technical University), specialty “Accounting and Audit” (1996)

National Aviation University, specialty “Public management and administration”, diploma with honors (2020)

Work experience:

From 2004 to 2017, she worked as a senior lecturer at the Department of Finance, Accounting and Audit of NAU. Since 2018, he has been working at the Department of Public Management and Administration of NAU.

Names of established disciplines:

“Theory of economic analysis”, “Finance, money and credit”, “Economic analysis and forecasting in public administration”, “Enterprise economics”.

Professional development:

“Teachers-tutors (organizers of distance learning) of universities, academies, institutes”, 2020 under the educational and professional program Total number of hours/credits of ECTS – 210 hours / 7 cr.


More than 100 publications, including 20 in professional publications. Co-author of 2 monographs, 1 textbook, 4 training manuals, in particular:

  1. Theory and methodology of formation of the investment and financial strategy for the development of subjects of the national economy: monograph / edited by L.M. Savchuk, A.V. Skull. Dnipro: Zhurfond. 2019. 420 p.
  2. Public administration and national security: monograph/ A.M. Mikhnenko, N.M. Hrushchynska [and others].; under the editorship of Dr. Hist. Sciences, Prof. A.M. Mykhnenko and Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor N.M. Hrushchynska. Kyiv: NAU, 2019. 328 p.
  3. Public administration as a systemic social phenomenon: a textbook / by general ed. A. M. Mykhnenko, N. M. Hrushchynska. Kyiv: NAU, 2019. 516 p.
  4. Chibisova I.V. Regarding the criteria of educational effectiveness Current problems in the education system: general educational institution-pre-university training-higher educational institution: Coll. of science Proceedings of the IX All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference, April 18, 2018. K.: NAU, 2018. Issue 54. P. 190–194
  5. Chibisova I. V. Analysis of the level of education of the company’s employees. Corporate governance: strategies, processes, technology: V International scientific conference (October 22-23, 2021. Leipzig, Germany): theses add. Riga, Latvia: Baltiqa Publishing. P. 107
  6. Chibisova I.V. Public and legal features of franchising in Ukraine.
    Effectiveness and directions for improving economic growth policy: materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference, December 15, 2018. Zaporizhia: Zaporizhzhia State Engineering Academy, 2018. P.16. -18
  7. Chibisova I.V. Raiding as a way of establishing control over the enterprise. Directions and modern factors of the development of international relations: economic and political aspects: international scientific and practical conference, May 8. 2020: theses add. Uzhhorod, 2020. P. 82– 85
  8. Product quality and marketing strategy THE NODERN ECONOMIC RESEARCH: THEORY, METHODOLOGY, PRACTICE: II INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE, September 27, 2019: theses add. Kielce, Poland: Baltija Publishing. P. 101–105
  9. Chibisova I.V. Hrushchinska N.M. Methodological recommendations for the performance of the qualification work of higher education applicants of OS “Master” specialty 281 “Public management and administration”. Kyiv: NAU, 2021. 32 p.
  10. Chibisova I.V. Aspects of the use of various educational means of information and computer technologies in the educational process. Information Society: Technological, Economic and Technical Aspects of Formation (Issue 58): International Scientific Internet Conference, April 24, 2021: Abstracts Add. Ternopil, 2021. P. 32– 33