Kozhina Alla Vasylievna – The Educational and Scientific Institute of Continuing Education
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Kozhina Alla Vasylievna

Kozhina Alla Vasylievna

Position: Acting Head of the Department of Public Management and Administration.

Scientific degree: Doctor of Science in Public Administration.

Academic title: professor.


In 1995, she graduated from the Odesa State University of Economics with a degree in “enterprise economics”, qualification as an economist. She defended her candidate’s thesis in 2009, and her doctoral thesis in 2021. In 2015, he was awarded the academic title of associate professor.

Names of disciplines assigned to the teacher:

“Research methodology, theory and history of public management and administration”, “Public policy”, “Civil society and public policy”, “State and regional management”, “Public service and human resources management”, “Anti-crisis management in the aviation industry”.

Information about advanced training (internship) (for the last 5 years, especially those most relevant to the disciplines)

State certificate of proficiency in the state language of UMD No. 00035762, approved by the Decision of the National Commission for State Language Standards No. 215 dated October 8, 2021, certifying the level of fluency of the second degree C 2.

Certificate of completion of the English language course certifying the achievement of the B 2 level of English proficiency, 20.06.-11.09.2022, 72 academic hours, issued by EURO SPIK LLC.

Certificate of completion of the German language as a foreign language course A 2.2, 10.09-10.11.2022, 66 academic hours, issued by StartDeutsch Schule.

Online certificate of the School of Local Self-Government: “Local Self-Government and Digital Transformation in Ukraine”. NGO “Open Society of Ukraine”, 03.11-04.12.2021, 27 hours.

Certificate SP-TDT31115684/000034-21 of the OSCE and the Ukrainian School of Government for advanced training for the special professional (certificate) program “Training for trainers on cyber hygiene” within the project “Strengthening the capacities of Ukrainian state bodies in the field of cyber hygiene and cyber security” 10.03-10.06. 2021. 60 hours, 2 ECTS credits.

Certificate of Winter School “Winter School on Digital Transformation in Public Sector” of Tallinn Technical University, 10-12.03.2020, 70 hours, 2 ECTS credits.

Certificate SK31115684/000057-20 of the NADS and the Ukrainian School of Government for advanced training under the special short-term program “Remote technologies for advanced training of public servants in real time”, 07-08/2020, 30 hours, 1 ECTS credit.

Certificate of NADS, Ministry of Digitization and Action on the digital literacy course “Basics of Cyber Hygiene” for civil servants and officials of local self-government, 02/09/2021, 10 hours, 0.33 ECTS credit.

Certificate of NADS, Ministry of Digitization and Action on digital literacy course “Stars of e-democracy”, 09/07/2021, 8 hours, 0.2 ECTS credit.

Certificate of NADS, Ministry of Digitization and Action on digital literacy course “Cybernyani”, 07/28/2021, 8 hours, 0.2 ECTS credit.

UNDP certificate “Online education for sustainable development”, training for trainers. 11.06.2020

Certificate СО-16.05.2020/04 of a participant in the educational program “How to turn a Ukrainian-language scientific article into an English-language one?”. SmartScienceLab. 05/16/2020, 3 p.m., 0.5 ECTS credit.

Certificate of participant of the PhD-marathon. SmartScienceLab. 28.05-24.06.208

Certificate No. В-0121-2643 of the webinar participant: “Google digital tools for organizing effective interaction between participants of the educational process during distance learning”, 01/08/2021 LLC “Academy of Digital Development”.

Main publications by field of activity: (over the last 5 years, especially those most relevant to the disciplines)

In total, more than 130 scientific works have been published, including 8 monographs, of which 1 is an individual work, 19 articles in Ukrainian scientific publications on public administration, 14 articles in foreign scientific periodicals (4 of which are in Web of Science and 2 in Scopus), about 20 educational and methodological works, etc., in particular:

Monographs, training manuals:

Kozhina A. V. Public management of inclusive local development: theory, methodology, practice: monograph. Kamianets-Podilskyi: Ruta Printing House LLC, 2020. 452 p.

Kozhina A. V. Inclusive local development: essence, problems and theoretical and conceptual foundations. Strategic Management : Global Trends and National Peculiarities : multi-authored monograph / State University of Jan Kochanowski (Poland) : Publishing House “Baltija Publishing”, 2019. P. 335–350.

Kozhina A. V. Public management of digital development: inclusive aspects. Digital transformation of public administration: col. monogr. / O.V. Karpenko et al. Kyiv: NASU, 2020. P. 229–250.

Lazorenko O.O., Chala N.D., Gomilko O.E., Kozhina A.V. Educational needs of women in Ukraine: analytical report of the study. Kyiv: Nauk. dumka, 2020. 102 p.

Scientific publications in periodicals that are included in the scientometric databases recommended by the Ministry of Education and Culture, in particular Scopus or Web of Science Core Collection:

Kozhyna, A., Razina, T., Kravchenko, A., Kuprii, T. and Melnyk, T. Human Capital Development in the Context of Globalization Processes: Regulatory Aspect. Econ. Aff., 2022. 67(04s): 887-895. (Web of Science).

Rasiuk Eduard, Kovalyova Tetiana, Sopilnyk Rostyslav, Melnychuk Natalia, Kozhyna Alla. Development of Public Administration Ukraine in the field of State Security and Protection of Public Order. IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security. 2022. Vol.22 No.3, March. (Web of Science).

Alla Kozhyna, Ruslan Mykhailov, Iryna Yaremko, Inna Mazur, Yurii Kopchak, Halyna Kalynychenko. Development of Public Administration in Central and Eastern Europe. AD ALTA: Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (11/02-XXIV.). 2021. Year 215-223. (Web of Science).

Zarubei V., Kuybida V., Kozhyna A., Vdovichena L., Varenia N. Modeling and Technology of Public Administration of Socio-Economic Security for Digitalization. International Journal of Management (IJM). 2020. Is. 11 (3). R. 143–154. (Scopus).

Kubiv S., Bobro N., Lopushnyak G., Lenher Y., Kozhyna A. Innovative Potential in European Countries: Analytical and Legal Aspects. International Journal of Economics and Business Administration (IJEBA). 2020. Vol. VIII. Is. 2. R. 250–264. (Scopus).

Levchenko S., Kozhyna A., Ponomarenko T., Kravets I. and Shashyna M. Development of E-governance in Ukraine based on the Concept of M-governance. Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business and Government. 2020. Vol. 26. Is. 1. P. 128–136. (Web of Science).

Publications in scientific publications included in the list of specialized scientific publications of Ukraine:

Kozhina A. V. Application of digital technologies in public management of inclusive local development. Visn. NADU “Public administration” series. 2020. No. 4 (9). P. 69–76.

Kozhina, A. V. Digital development as a priority area of public management to stabilize the situation with the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic. Collection of sciences. Ave. Nats. Acad. state example under the President of Ukraine. 2020. Issue 2. P. 134–140.

Vlasenko Y. G., Kozhina A. V. Formation of inclusive local development. Investments: practice and experience. 2020. No. 19–20. P. 46–51.

Kozhina A. V. Evidence-based actualization of the approach of inclusive development to the solution of global problems of humanity. Bulletin of NADU. “Public administration” series. 2019. No. 3 (94). P. 107–114.

Kozhina A. V. Inclusive local development: concepts and essential characteristics. Collection of sciences. Ave. Nats. Acad. state example under the President of Ukraine. 2018. Issue 2. C. 55–68.

Kozhina A. V. Theory of inclusive local development and its relationship with theories of territorial development. Investments: practice and experience. 2018. No. 22. P. 102–109.

Kozhina A. V. Factors of inclusive local development: approaches to classification. Bulletin of NADU. “Public administration” series. 2018. No. 4 (91). P. 21–30.

Publications in foreign scientific publications:

Kozhyna A. Conceptual and Practical Aspects of Public Administration of Inclusive Local Development: International Practices. Kobe Gakuin Economic papers. Kobe (Japan) : Published by The Economic society of Kobe Gakuin University, 2021. N 3. Vol. 52. P. 13–25.

Kozhyna A. V. Approaches and Principles to the Creation of a Model of Public Administration of Inclusive Local Development. Sciences of Europe. Praha (Czech Republic), 2020. N 59 (Vol. 3). P. 25–32.

Kozhina A.V. Normative and legal provision of public management of inclusive local development in Ukraine. Virtus : scientific journal (Canada). 2020. June. No. 45. P. 228–233.

Kozhyna A. V. Organizational and Legal Prerequisites for the Territorial Community’s Participation in Ensuring Inclusive Local Development. International Independent Scientific Journal (IISJ). Kraków (Poland). 2020. N 21 (Vol. 3). P. 11–15.

Kozhina A. V. Foreign experience of institutional and regulatory support of inclusive local development. Virtus : scientific journal (Canada). 2020. October. No. 47. P. 112–119.

Participation in conferences: (in the last 5 years, especially those relevant to the specialty)

Kozhyna A. Reducing Poverty, Inequality and Social Exclusion in European Countries based on Inclusive Approaches to Economic Development. “Economic trends: new opportunities and threats.” A collection of mothers. International of science conf. November 25-26, 2022, Le Mans University (France). – 2022.

Kozhina A. V. Taking into account the inclusive component in the formation of the state policy of sustainable development of Ukraine. State policy of sustainable development of Ukraine: basic principles. (material for preparation for the 2021 parliamentary hearings). Editors Kharlamov H., Chala N. – K, 2022. P. 45–49.

Kozhina A. V. Inclusiveness as an important component of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. Ukraine 2030: public administration for sustainable development: materials every year. international science and practice conf. (Kyiv, 2020) : in 3 volumes / for general ed. A. P. Savkova, M. M. Bilynska, O. M. Petroye. Kyiv: NASU, 2020. Vol. 1. P. 177–179.

Kozhina A. V. Digital inclusion as a driver of inclusive local development. Current issues, problems and prospects for the development of humanitarian knowledge in the modern information space: national and international aspects: coll. of science pr. / in general ed. Dr. Philos. Sciences M.A. Zhurba. Montreal: CPM “ASF”, 2020. P. 123.

Kozhina A. V. Normative and legal aspects of public management of inclusive local development. Science, trends and perspectives. Abstracts of XVII International Scientific and Practical Conference (Tokyo, May 18–19, 2020). Tokyo (Japan), 2020. P. 215–217.

Kozhina A. V. Approaches to ensuring public management of inclusive local development. Prospects for the development of modern science and practice: Abstracts of the XVI International Scientific and Practical Conference (Graz, May 11–12, 2020). Graz (Austria), 2020. P. 243–246.

Kozhina A. V. Meaningful aspects of the paradigm of inclusive local development. Public administration of the 21st century: synthesis of science and practice: coll. theses of the XIX International of science of the Congress, Kharkiv, April 19. 2019. Kharkiv: Publishing House of KhaRI NADU “Master”, 2019. P. 363–365.

Kozhyna A. Model of inclusive local development in the conditions of Industry 4.0. International Scientific Conference Digital and Innovative Economy: Processes, Strategies, Technologies: Conference Proceedings, January 25th, 2019. Kielce (Poland) : Baltija Publishing, 2019. P. 58–60.

Kozhina A. V. Actual problems and challenges of inclusive development in Ukraine and the world. Theory and practice of public management and administration in the 21st century: materials of the First All-Ukrainian. science and practice conf. for international with the participation of students of higher education and young scientists (Kyiv, November 30, 2018) / by general ed. V. S. Kuybidy, O. M. Petroye, I. O. Degtyareva. Kyiv: NASU, 2018. P. 148–151.

Kozhina A. V. Inclusive growth and inclusive development: relationship and differences. Regional policy: history, political and legal principles, architecture, urbanism: materials of the International. science and practice conf. (Kyiv, November 23, 2018). : at 2 p.m. [col. of science pr., issue IV]. Kyiv–Ternopil: Beskydy, 2018. Part 1. P. 84–90.

Kozhina A. V. Theoretical principles of inclusive local development. Strategic priorities of socio-economic development in the conditions of institutional transformations of the global environment: materials of the VIII International. science and practice conf. (Odesa, September 28–29, 2018). Odesa: ONU named after I. I. Mechnikova, 2018. P.111–114.

Kozhina A. V. Classification of factors of inclusive local development. Public governance in Ukraine: state, challenges and development prospects: materials every year. All-Ukrainian science and practice conf. for international participation, dedicate 100th anniversary of the state services in Ukraine (Kyiv, May 25, 2018): in 5 t. / for general ed. V. S. Kuybida, M. M. Bilynska, O. M. Petroye. Kyiv: NASU, 2018. Vol. 3. P. 48–50.

Kozhina A. V. The essence and meaning of the concept of “inclusive local development”. Local self-government: 20 years old achievements and further progress: scientific-practical materials. conf. for international participation (Kyiv, December 5, 2017) / edited by : G. Borshch, M. Kondratenko. Kyiv: NASU, 2018. P. 78–82.