Lelechenko Angela Pavlivna – The Educational and Scientific Institute of Continuing Education
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Lelechenko Angela Pavlivna

Lelechenko Angela Pavlivna

Position: head of postgraduate and doctoral studies at the National Aviation University, professor of the Department of Public Management and Administration.

Scientific degree: Doctor of Science in Public Administration.

Academic title: professor.

Education: higher.

1991 – Kherson State Pedagogical Institute named after N. Krupska (specialty “Foreign languages”);
2002 – Ukrainian Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine (master’s degree in public administration);
2002 – University of North London, (qualification Master of Social Sciences).

Names of disciplines assigned to the teacher:

on mastering in-depth (professional) knowledge in the specialty 281 Public management and administration for the preparation of doctors of philosophy (PhD):

  1. State policy in the aviation industry of Ukraine;
  2. Public management of sustainable development of society.

Information about advanced training (internship) (over the last 5 years):

  • International scientific and pedagogical internship on the topic “Innovative methods of educational process organization in the field of public administration” / “Innovative methods of educational process organization in the field of public administration” (volume of professional training – 108 hours) at the Foundation “Institute of of public administration” in the city of Lublin (Republic of Poland – the country is a member of the OECD and the EU) – certificate dated April 17, 2018
  • School of Environmental Science, University of Indonesia. Participation in the 1st International Symposium of Earth, Energy, Environmental Science and Sustainable Development on 28th and 30th September 2020 as a speaker with presenting the research entitled “Critical Analysis of the Achievements of the Global Millennium Development Goals and New Approaches to Sustainable Development Management” with Manuscript ID SDG-G17-50 (Certificate as a Presenter, October 1, 2020).
  • “Current issues of future specialists in the field of public administration: professional training” (volume of professional training – 180 hours) at the Academy of Business and Health Sciences in Lodz, (Republic of Poland) (certificate No. 06/2021 from June 30, 2021).
  • “New law and order of (post) Covid-19 world: socio-economic impacts, tourism and education (SEITE2022)” – (6 ECTS credits) University of Rijeka, Croatia, (23.06-23.09. 2022) (< (strong>Certificate HR 9737)

Participation in conferences (for the last 5 years):

  • “Innovative development and capacity building of united territorial communities” (Dnipro, 2019);
  • “State and municipal management: theory, methodology, practice” (Zaporizhia, 2020);
  • “Contemporary challenges and current problems of science, education and production: interdisciplinary disputes” (Kyiv, 2020);
  • “Dynamics of the development of world science” (Vancouver, Canada, 2020); “Perspectives of world science and education” (Osaka, Japan, 2020);
  • “Development of public administration in Ukraine” (Lviv, 2020);
  • “Theory and practice of public management and administration in the 21st century” (Kyiv, 2020);
  • XXth International Scientific and Practical Conference “Modern Aspects of Science Modernization: Status, Problems, Development Trends” (Bucharest (Romania), 2022);
  • The XI th International scientific and practical conference “Modern scientific research: achievements, innovations and development prospects” (Berlin (Germany). 2022).

Main publications by field of activity: (over the last 5 years): 51 publications

Teacher Profile:

ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0850-3724

Google Academy: https:// scholar.google.com.ua/citations?user=Zm5cREIAAAAJ&hl=uk

Scopus: https://www .scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=57218608349

Web of Science Core Collection: https://www.webofscience.com/wos/author/results/1/relevance/1

ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net .net/scientificcontributions/A-P-Lelecenko-2181789774

Tel.: 497-72-13

E-mail: anzhela.lelechenko@npp.nau. edu.ua

Workplace: 1-225


Monographs, articles:

  1. Lelechenko A.P. Public management of the regional policy of sustainable development in Ukraine: monograph. Kyiv: MAUP, 2020. 314 p.
  2. Lelechenko A.P. World experience of regional sustainable development policy formation: monograph. Kyiv. MAUP, 2020. 120 p.
  3. Lelechenko A. P. Institutionelle und rechtliche Grundlagen für die Gestaltung der europäischen Regionalpolitik für nachhaltige Entwicklung. Gesellschaftsrechtliche Transformationen von wirtschaftlichen Systemen in den Zeiten der Neo-Industrialisierung / Korneev V., Pasichnyk, Yu., Radchenko O., Khodzhaian A. und andere : Collective monograph. Nuremberg, Germany : Verlag SWG imex GmbH, 2020. 714 p. (Author. R. 652–660).
  4. Lelechenko A. P. Implementation of geoinformation systems and technologies in territories management in Ukraine. The procedure of public administration in the countries of the European Union: challenges of the 3rd millennium: col. monogr. Riga, Latvia: Izdevnieciba “Baltija Publishing”, 2018. 332. Author’s p. 167–187.
  5. Lelechenko A.P. Mechanisms of state regulation of service-oriented state policy in the field of development of ecosystem services. Public management of the development of regions in the process of building a service-oriented state: theory, methodology and practice: monograph / author. number teachers, doctoral students of performers of the GDR faculty. region manager, location self-government and administration by the city of Nat. Acad. state example under the President of Ukraine; in general ed. N. V. Vasylieva, O. I. Vasylieva. Kyiv: NADU, 2018. Author’s p. 227–240.
  6. Lelechenko A. Features of the protection of national interests of Ukraine in the media space in the modern conditions of state formation. Information security of Ukraine 30 years of independence: Collective monograph/ for the total. I. Sopilko. Budapest: Oktatasi es Szakmai Fejlesztesi Intezet Alapitvany, Institute of Educational and Professional Development, 2021. 421 p.
  7. Lelechenko A., Diegtiar O., Lebedinska O., Derun T., Berdanova O. Mechanisms of inter-state communications for solving sustainable development problems / Asia life science. Supplement 29 (2) : 1–9, 2020. The Asian International Journal of Life Sciences. P. 1–14 URL: https: //www.scopus. com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=57218608349. ISSN 0117-3375 (SCOPUS).
  8. Lelechenko A., Lebedinska O., Somin S. and Dynnyk I. Critical analysis of the achievements of the Global Millennium Development Goals and new approaches to Sustainable Development Management : The 1st JESSD Symposium – International Symposium of Earth, Energy, Environmental Science, and Sustainable Development (November 25, 2020). Volume 211, 2020. P. 18. URL: https://doi.org/10.1051 /e3sconf/202021101028 (SCOPUS)
  9. Lelechenko A. P., Lebedinska, O. Y., Somin, S. V., Vakulenko V. M., Pikh N. S. Introduction of the concept of sustainable development in the context of the constitutional reform of Ukraine /. Journal of the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine, 2020. 27 (4), P. 53–65. URL: https://www.scopus.com/authid/ detail.uri?authorId=57218608349 (SCOPUS).
  10. Lelechenko A.P., Saienko M.I., Marusheva O.A., Medvedchuk O.V., Lahunova I.A. Formation and implementation of economic mechanism of brand-technologies of trading enterprises. Estudios de Economia Aplicada. 2021. Vol. 39. No. 6: Special Issue: Innovative Development and Economic Growth in the CIS Countries. URL: https://ojs.ual. es/ojs/index.php/eea/article/view/5085. (SCOPUS)
  11. Lelechenko A., Iyzefovych V., Doronina I., Yarovoi T., Tomakh V. Formation of a financial security management mechanism based on the introduction of new information technologies. Universal Journal of Accounting and Finance. 2021. Vol. 9. No. 3. P. 487 – 497. (SCOPUS)
  12. Lelechenko A., Lebedinska O., Somin S., Derun T., Ivanisiva M. Axiology of the phenomenon sustainable government administration and interaction of Ukraine with international organizations in the field of environmental safety. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. December 2021, 940 (1), 012067. (SCOPUS)
  13. Lelechenko A., Lebedinska O., Somin S. Innovative Approaches to State Policy Development in the Field of Aggregated State Assessment of Sustainable Development of Ukraine 35th IBIMA Conference: 1–2 April 2020, Seville, Spain. URL: https://ibima.org/accepted-paper/innovative-approaches-to-state-policy- development-in-the-field-of-aggregated-state-assessment-of-sustainable-development-of-ukraine/ (Web of Science Core Collection).
  14. Haiduchenko S.O., Lelechenko A.,P., Dobryn S.V., Kipa M.A Mechanism of management of financial resources of enterprises of the machine-building industry of Ukraine. Financial and credit activity: problems of theory and practice 2020. Vol. 1 (32). URL: https://fkd.net.ua/ index.php/fkd/article/view/2868. (Web of Science Core Collection).
  15. Lelechenko A.P. The influence of public administration on the social component of the regional policy of sustainable development. Public management and administration in Ukraine: science. Journal, 2020. No. 16. P. 58–62.
  16. Lelechenko A.P. Mechanisms of state regulation of ecosystem services in the context of ensuring the transition to the principles of sustainable development. Efficiency of public administration: coll. of science pr.: at 2 p.m. / for general ed. member-cor. National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine V. S. Zahorskyi, Assoc. A. V. Lipentseva. Lviv: LRIDU NADU, 2020. Part 2. Issue 1 (62). C. 213–227.
  17. Lelechenko A.P. Complex mechanism of formation and implementation of regional policy of sustainable development in Ukraine. Scientific notes of the Tavri National University named after V. I. Vernadskyi. Series: Public administration. 2020. Vol. 31 (70). No. 2. P. 121–126.
  18. Lelechenko A. P. Strategic architecture of the system of public management of sustainable development of regions. Public administration and customs administration. Series: “Public administration”. 2020. No. 2 (25). P. 94–98.
  19. Lelechenko A.P. The role of local authorities in ensuring the management of sustainable development of the region. State and regions: scientific and industrial. journal Series: Public administration. 2020. No. 2. P. 111–117.
  20. Lelechenko A.P. Ensuring social, ecological and economic security as a condition for sustainable development of the region. Scientific notes of the Tavri National University named after V. I. Vernadskyi. Series: Public administration. 2020. Vol. 31 (70). No. 3. P. 128–132.
  21. Lelechenko A.P. Affirmation of the ecological imperative in management decision-making as a basis for initiating ecologically oriented innovations of sustainable development. Public management and administration in Ukraine: Science. journal 2020. No. 17. P. 58–62.
  22. Lelechenko A. P. Regional politics as a scientific and applied phenomenon. Investments: practice and experience. 2020. No. 13–14. P. 92–96.
  23. Lelechenko A.P. Evolution of normative and legal frameworks for ensuring sustainable development of Ukraine. Investments: practice and experience. 2020. No. 15–16. P. 132–137.
  24. Lelechenko A. Historiography of environmental policy development as a part of sustainable development of areas: national and international practice. Science and studies. 2020. No. 5. (207). P. 45–51. URL: http://www .rusnauka.com/books/NIS-2020-05-10-5(207).pdf
  25. Lelechenko A. Influence of geoinformation technologies to sustainable development of territories. Middle European Scientific Bulletin. 2020. 1. R. 15–21.
  26. Lelechenko A. Fundamental principles for formation and implementation of sustainable development goals in the regions of Ukraine. JournalNX ‒ A Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal, ISAE-2020, ISSN: 2581–4230. P. 725–730. URL: https://journalnx.com/journal-article/20151246< /li>
  27. Lelechenko A.P. Economic component of sustainable development of the region: priorities and ways of ensuring. Manager. Bulletin of the Donetsk State University of Management. Series: “Public Administration”. 2020. No. 1 (86). P. 173–184.
  28. Lelechenko A.P. Problems of achieving global goals as a convergence of value orientations of sustainable development. Investments: practice and experience. 2020. No. 23. P. 118–123.
  29. Lelechenko A.P. Formation of a coordination mechanism for achieving the goals of sustainable development on the basis of inclusive growth. Investments: practice and experience. 2020. No. 24. P. 129–134.
  30. Lelechenko A.P. Approaches to the formation of a regional policy of sustainable development in the countries of the European Union. Public administration: improvement and development. 2019. No. 12. URL: http://www. dy.nayka.com.ua/?op=1&z=1660
  31. A.P. Lelechenko Basic principles of the regional policy of balanced development: history and basic documents. Public administration: improvement and development. 2018. No. 11. URL: http://www. dy.nayka.com.ua/?op=1&z=1654
  32. Lelechenko A.P. The phenomenon of the concept of “sustainable development”. Public administration: improvementI and development. 2017. No. 12. URL: http://www. dy.nayka.com.ua/?op=1&z=1649
  33. Lelechenko A.P. Mechanisms for ensuring internal political security in conditions of democratization of civil society. Public administration: improvement and development. 2022. Vol. 3. URL: http://www.dy.nayka.com.ua/pdf/3_2022/3.pdf
  34. Lelechenko A.P. Ensuring environmental safety of a large city in the context of sustainable development. Investments: practice and experience. 2022. No. 5-6. P. 38–42.
  35. Materials of reports presented at international and all-Ukrainian scientific and practical conferences:

  36. Lelechenko A.P. Management mechanisms of regional policy of sustainable development. State and municipal administration: theory, methodology, practice: materials of the international science and practice conference, Zaporizhzhia, March 6–7. 2020. Zaporizhzhia: Classic. private University, 2020. P. 44–47.
  37. A.P. Lelechenko Tasks of regional policy in the context of ecological modernization of the economy. Modern challenges and current problems of science, education and production: inter-branch disputes: theses addendum. II International science and practice internet conference, Kyiv, March 10. 2020. Kyiv, 2020. P. 49–52. URL: https://openscilab.org/wp- content/uploads/2020/03/aktualni_problemi_nauki_osviti_ta_virobnictva_mizhgaluzevi_disputi_2020_03_10_tezy.pdf
  38. Lelechenko A.P., Pikh N.S. Separate issues of normative and legal application of the term “public (public) security” in Ukraine. Dynamics of the development of world science: The 7th International scientific and practical conference, Vancouver, March 18–20. 2020. Vancouver, Canada : Perfect Publishing, 2020. P. 606–611.
  39. Lelechenko A.P. The essence of the regional policy of sustainable development in conditions of decentralization. Perspectives of world science and education: The 9th International scientific and practical conference, May 20–22, 2020. CPN Publishing Group, Osaka, Japan. 2020. R. 654–658 URL: http://sci-conf.com.ua
  40. Lelechenko A.P. Public management of sustainable development of the region in the system of rational nature management. Development of public administration in Ukraine: science and practice. conf. for international with the participation of April 23-24 2020, Lviv / for science. ed. member-cor. National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine V. S. Zahorskyi, Assoc. A. V. Lipentseva. Lviv: LRIDU NADU, 2020. P. 166–168.
  41. Lelechenko A.P. The value of the ecological factor in the formation of guidelines for the sustainable development of regions. Theory and practice of public management and administration in the 21st century: materials III Vseukr. science and practice conf. for international with the participation of students of higher education and young scientists as part of the “School of Youth Development” event, Kyiv, November 25. 2020 / in general ed. A. Savkova, M. Bilynska, O. Petroye, I. Degtyareva. Kyiv: NASU, 2020. P. 136–138.
  42. Lelechenko A.P. Application of ecological management in management of sustainable development of nature-protected territories. Innovative development and increasing the level of capacity of united territorial communities: scientific and practical materials. conf. for international participation, Dnipro, October 30 – November 29 2019 / in general ed. I. A. Chikarenko. Dnipro: DRIDU NADU, 2019. C. 179–183.
  43. Lelechenko A.P. Modernization of the training system and advanced training of local self-government officials as an imperative for the development of their professional competence. Innovative methods of organizing the educational process in the field of public administration: scientific and pedagogical internship (Lublin, April 13–17, 2018). Lublin (Republic of Poland), 2018.
  44. Lelechenko A. P. Social entrepreneurship as a direction of development of partnership relations of public authorities and civil society. Modern scientific research: achievements, innovations and development prospects: Proceedings of The XI th International scientific and practical conference. (April 24-26, 2022). Berlin (Germany), 2022. P. 413–418.
  45. Lelechenko A.P. Activities of local self-government bodies in the field of environmental safety. Modern aspects of the modernization of science: state, problems, development trends: materials XX International. science and practice conf. (Bucharest, May 7, 2022). Bucharest (Romania), 2022. P. 36-39.
  46. Main educational and methodical works:

  47. Local self-government in conditions of decentralization of powers. Practical guide. K.: 2017. 110 p.
  48. Public administration. Terminological dictionary. K.: NADU, 2018. 224 p.
  49. Human resources of local authorities in the field of public service provision. Tutorial. K.: NADU, 2018. 284 p.
  50. Organization of the provision of public services at the local level. Studiedmanual. K.: NADU, 2018. 400 p.
  51. Local self-government. Workshop for students of specialty 081 “Law”. K: NAU, 2022. 60 p.
  52. Methodical recommendations for the study discipline “Greening of urban development and prevention of emergency situations” for students of the specialty “Public management and administration. Guidelines. K.: Publishing House of NADU, 2021. 45 p.
  53. Methodical recommendations for the preparation and defense of a qualifying master’s theses by applicants of the second (master’s) level of higher education, specialties 081 “Law” and 281 “Public management and administration”. Guidelines. K., NAU, 2022. 61 p.