Ostapenko Tetyana Gennadiyevna – The Educational and Scientific Institute of Continuing Education KAI

Ostapenko Tetyana Gennadiyevna

Ostapenko Tetyana Gennadiyevna

Main position: c. at. head of the Department of Management Technologies

Scientific degree: professor, doctor of economic sciences

Date of birth: March 31, 1973.


  1. Personnel management – 18 hours;
  2. Management of project teams and communications – 18 hours;
  3. Project analysis and project financing – 18 hours

Information about professional development:

  1. National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, DZVO “University of Education Management”, Central Institute of Postgraduate Education. Certificate of advanced training SP 35830447/3078-21, advanced qualification under the educational and professional program “Organization of distance learning in educational institutions”, date of issue November 26, 2021;
  2. PA certificate No. 00172, issued on November 2, 2022, stating that Ostapenko T.G. passed the professional English language exam at the Center for Language Certification and English-Language Education.
Main publications

Publications reflecting the main scientific results of the dissertation:


  1. T.H. Ostapenko Nanoeconomy: dominants and dynamics of development in the global environment: monograph. Kyiv: Autograph, 2019. – 408 p. https://www.twirpx.com/file/2883172/ (17 printed sheets).
  2. Ostapenko T., Onopriienko D., Hrashchenko I., Palyvoda O., Krasniuk S., Danilova E. (2022). Innovative development of national economies: Collective monograph. Kharkiv: PC: Tecnoligy Center, 2022. 158 p. P.46-70. DOI: https://10/15587/978-617-7319-64-0.CH2 (6.58 printed sheets, personal contribution: development of an econometric analysis of the impact of nanoeconomics on the macroeconomic system in Ukraine – 0.16 printed sheets .) (Scopus, Q2)
  3. Ostapenko T. Nano-innovative processes in modern social and economic systems. Actual issues of modern development of socio-economic systems in terms of the COVID-19 pandemic: scientific monograph. VUZF University of Finance, Business and Entrepreneurship. Sofia: VUZF Publishing House “St. Grigorii Bogoslov”, 2021. 475 p. T. Ostapenko. P. 130-138. DOI: https://10.5281/zenodo.5840077 (19.79 printed sheets, personal contribution: nanoinnovation processes in modern social and economic systems are described – 0.3 printed sheets)
  4. Ostapenko T. Sustainable Development Under the Conditions of European Integration, Part II: collective monograph [editorial board Darko Bele, Lidija Weis, Nevenka Maher]. Ljubljana: VSPV, Visoka sola za poznosti vede = Ljubljana School of Business, 2019. 458 p. (subchapter: “Nanoeconomy in Ukraine as a Factor of Sustainable Development” / T.H. Ostapenko. P. 209-227. https://nbn-resolving.org/nbn:nbu:de.1068-ssoar-62812-8 (19, 08 printed sheets, personal contribution: considered nanoeconomics as a factor of sustainable development – 0.75 printed sheets).
  5. Ostapenko T. Actual problems of the socially-oriented economy: a collective monograph / edited by Doctor of Economics, Prof. Prokhorova V.V. Kharkiv: Striped Typography, 2017. 391 p., C. 120-136. (16.29 printed sheets, personal contribution: definition of the problem of domestic household management development as a leading link in the formation of global nanotechnology markets – 0.6 printed sheets).
  6. Ostapenko T. Social Educational Project of Improving Knowledge in Economics. Monograph. Innovation in Education and Economy. Norderstedt (Deutschland), Poitiers (France): Association 1901 “SEPIKE”, 2017 154 p. (chapter: “Household Management as Main Link of Nanotechnologies Global Market Forming” T.H. Ostapenko. P. 107-116. https://5b925ea6-3d4e-400b-b5f3-32dc681218ff.filesusr.com/ugd/b199e2_410f7b37a42145f0854078e609bbd975.pdf (6.41 print sheet, personal contribution: research of households as a source of development of the nano-economy – 0.37 print .sheet).
  7. Ostapenko T. Economic and social prospects of decentralization in Ukraine: monograph. [author coll.: E.V. Afanasyev and others], under general ed. Yu.Z. Drachuka, V.Ya. Shvetsia, M.S. Pashkevich; Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine; International humanitarian University, National mountain Univ. Dnipropetrovsk: NSU, 2016. 230 p. P. 207-230. (9.58 printed sheet, personal contribution: working out the conditions of economic and technological decentralization in Ukraine in the context of the development of nanoeconomy in the conditions of globalization – 0.95 print. sheet).

Diploma of higher education: Taras Shevchenko Kyiv University, Faculty of Geography. Geographer-nationalist, specialist in foreign economic activity, teacher, 1995

Diploma of Doctor of Sciences: Doctor of Economic Sciences with specialty 08.00.01 “Economic Theory and History of Economic Thought”; thesis topic: “Nanoeconomy as a source of innovative development in the conditions of globalization”