Curator’s hour for master’s students of specialty 073 “Management” OP “Administrative Management” full-time and part-time, OP “Project Management” full-time and part-time – The Educational and Scientific Institute of Continuing Education
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Curator’s hour for master’s students of specialty 073 “Management” OP “Administrative Management” full-time and part-time, OP “Project Management” full-time and part-time

As part of the implementation of the educational and educational activities of the Department of Management Technologies of the NNINO NAU, on March 7, 2024, a joint curatorial hour was held for the first-year masters of the specialty 073 “Management” OP “Administrative Management” full-time and part-time, OP “Project Management” full-time and part-time form.

The head of the department of economic sciences, prof. Tatiana Ostapenko.

The students got acquainted with the next steps regarding the educational and scientific process. In the format of a joint discussion, organizational ways to improve the educational process were determined, the implementation of which will lead to an increase in the success and effectiveness of education. In particular, the conditions for conducting research practice and pre-diploma practice by master’s students were discussed. It was stated that the base of scientific research practice for students of OP “Administrative Management” is the Union of Small, Medium and Privatized Enterprises of Ukraine, and for students of OP “Project Management” – the Ukrainian Association of Project Management. Also, students should choose the topics of qualification works and companies on the basis of which professional research will be conducted. These enterprises are the basis for pre-diploma practice.