Training of aviation specialists in NNINO – The Educational and Scientific Institute of Continuing Education
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Training of aviation specialists in NNINO

Training of aviation specialists in NN INO

From February 26 to March 5, 2024, training of aviation specialists was held at the Educational and Scientific Institute of Continuing Education under the new program “Prevention of the danger of the presence of birds and wild animals in airports.”

Representatives of the State Enterprise “ANTONOV”, ZOKP “Uzhgorod International Airport”, National Transport Investigation Bureau, KP BMR “Bilotserkiv Cargo Aviation Complex” took part in the training.

Training of aviation specialists in NN INO

The course program is based on ICAO International Standards and Recommended Practices set out in Annex 14 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation, relevant ICAO and EASA Guidelines and documents, as well as taking into account the requirements, regulations and recommendations on aviation ornithology contained in regulatory, instructional and methodological documents of the Center of Ukraine. The head of the project is Viktor LYCHYK, a senior lecturer at the Department of Airport Technologies of the Aerospace Faculty.

Organizational and methodical support of the educational process is carried out by the Educational and Advisory Center for Advanced Qualification of the NN INO.

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