Advanced training of instructors of aviation enterprises – The Educational and Scientific Institute of Continuing Education
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Advanced training of instructors of aviation enterprises

Advanced training of instructors of aviation enterprises

From September 28 to 30 at the Educational and Scientific Institute of Continuing Education of NAU regular refresher courses were held under the program “Instructor (teacher) of aviation school”. Students of the courses are representatives of aviation enterprises of Ukraine and Azerbaijan: NBRCA, Vovchansk Aggregate Plant, SkyUp Airlines, Zet Avia, Avia Soyuz, World Sky Aviation, Azerbaijan Airlines.
The program of courses aims to reveal the basics of professional pedagogy and teaching methodology for specialists of aviation training centers in the process of teaching. The frequency of training is regulated by the program and is 1 time in 2 years.
The educational process was provided by the teaching staff of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Vocational Education of the Faculty of Linguistics and Social Communications, headed by Professor, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Luzik Elvira Vasylivna.
We invite everyone interested in advanced training in the proposed program!
Organizational and methodological support of the educational process is provided by the Training and Advisory Center for Advanced Training of NN INO. Phone for inquiries: 406 70 34, e-mail: