Structure – The Educational and Scientific Institute of Continuing Education
Авіаційна та інженерна неперервна освіта
Освіта впродовж життя
Lifelong learning
Освіта дорослих
Освіта для бізнесу


A typical organizational structure scheme of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Continuing Education includes: 4 centers and 2 departments.


The Training Center for Aviation Industry Specialists organizes and conducts course training and advanced training for specialists in the aviation industry, oil and gas complex, information security, urban management, ecology and energy efficiency, land management, psychology; advanced training for teachers of higher education institutions, additional education for students; conducts training under social programs and ensures high-quality study of European languages.

tel.: (044) 406–70–34

Training Center “Organization for Training for Technical Maintenance” provides training for aviation personnel for maintenance within the limits of permits granted by the State Aviation Service of Ukraine in accordance with European Union standards.

tel.: (044) 406–74–07

The activities of the Educational and Advisory Center for Advanced Training, Certification and Retraining are aimed at carrying out independent expert evaluation of educational and scientific programs in the KAI advanced training system with the aim of their implementation in the educational process and subsequent certification; developing joint international educational programs with European universities and their accreditation, as well as cooperating with enterprises, organizations and institutions by fulfilling orders for the creation of innovative educational and scientific advanced training programs on the basis of business agreements and cooperation agreements.

tel.: (044) 406–71–57

Center for Training of Qualified Yachtsmen

Training programs for sailing vessel operators include mandatory study of the following disciplines:

  • General information about sailing vessels.
  • Architecture and structure of sailing vessels.
  • Sailing armament of sailing vessels.
  • Theory of a sailing vessel.
  • Theory of sailing vessel management.
  • Special cases when sailing vessel management.
  • Ship navigation. Navigation.
  • Location of sailing areas.
  • Rules of navigation and prevention of collisions of ships.
  • Rigging and sailing work.
  • Hydro- and Meteorology.
  • Fundamentals of maritime law. Legislative and regulatory acts. Ship documents.
  • Fundamentals of yachting ethics and etiquette.

After completing the training, students will receive a CENTER CERTIFICATE and are allowed to take exams at the Qualification Commission of the MARITIME ADMINISTRATION OF UKRAINE

tel.: (044) 406-73-40


Department of Educational Process Organization
The main task of the Department of Educational Process Organization of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Continuing Education is the planning, organization and control of the educational process of the Institute.

tel.: (044) 407-71-20

Economic Department
The main tasks of the Economic Department are the organization, analysis and planning of the economic activities of the Institute of National Research and Innovation, which are based on the principles of legality and economic feasibility of organizational measures aimed at ensuring the effective economic functioning of the Institute.