Academic Council (VR) Calendar Schedule – The Educational and Scientific Institute of Continuing Education
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Calendar work plan of the Scientific Council of NNINO
for the 2025–2026 academic year

Information is being updated
№ з / п Date Agenda Responsible for preparing the question
1September1. About changes to the academic council of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Continuing Education.S. I. Cheripko
2. Discussion and approval of the Prospective Development Plan of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Continuing Education.A.S. Slyunyaev
3. Report on preparation for accreditation of the educational program “Psychology of extreme and crisis situations” specialty 053 “Psychology”L. A. Sydorchuk
O. V. Petrenko is the guarantor of the educational program
4. On determining the priorities of scientific research work at the Institute and approving the Scientific Work Plan of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Continuing Education in 2022-2023. p.Hrushchynska N.M.
L.A. Sydorchuk
L.M. Melnychuk
Polishchuk O.V.
5. Results of the admission campaign–2022 (Based on the results of the 1st stage of admission).Hrushchynska N.M.
Polukhina N. M.
6. Approval of the Work Plan of the Scientific, Methodological and Editorial Board of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Continuing Education for 2022-2023. p.Slyunyaev A.S.
Cheripko S. I.
7. Various.A.S. Slyunyaev
2October1. Determination of the main areas of educational work with students of NNINO. Approval of the Educational Work Plan of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Continuing Education for 2022-2023. p.Hrushchynska N.M.
2. Approval of subjects and supervisors of master’s theses.L. A. Sydorchuk
L.M. Melnychuk.
Polishchuk O.V.
3. Results of the admission campaign–2022 (According to the results of the II stage of admission).Hrushchynska N.M.
Polukhina N.M.
4. Various.A.S. Slyunyaev
3NovemberMelnychuk L.M.
L.A. Sydorchuk
Polishchuk O.V.
2. About the state of technical support of the educational process at the Institute.O. G. Batrak
3. The state of the organization and the effectiveness of internships by students of the Institute.Melnychuk L.M.
L.A. Sydorchuk
Fendyo O.M.
4. State and prospects of the Institute’s scientific activity.Hrushchynska N.M.
L.A. Sydorchuk
L.M. Melnychuk
Fendyo O.M.
5. Various.A.S. Slyunyaev
4December1. About personnel support of departments and proposals for professional development in 2023.
Reports on professional development and training of scientific and pedagogical staff of departments for 2022.
Melnychuk L.M.
L.A. Sydorchuk
Fendyo O.M.
2. About the work of departments of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Continuing Education, their role in the Institute’s development strategy.Moldovan M. V.
Polukhina N. M.
Zorenko K. R.
3. Conducting the examination and credit session in the 1st semester of 2022–2023. p.Hrushchynska N. M.
L.A. Sydorchuk
Fendyo O.M.
Polukhina N. M.
4. About the work of the primary trade union organization NNINO.I. V. Cheripko
5. On the implementation of the decisions of the previous meetings of the NNINO academic council.I. V. Cheripko
6. Various.A.S. Slyunyaev
5January1. Reports on the results of the work of NNINO centers, their role in the development of the Institute and further prospects.O. I. Zosimenko
Malinovska N. M.
Butrak O. G.
Golimbievsky H. G.
2. Report of the Department of Public Management and Administration on educational, methodical, scientific, educational and organizational work.L.M. Melnychuk
3. About the activity of student self-government bodies.Hrushchynska N.M.
Ponetaikina I. A.
4. Various.A.S. Slyunyaev
6February1. About the state of educational robotsand in the Institute.Hrushchynska N. M.
L.A. Sydorchuk
Fendyo O.M.
Ponetaikina I. A.
2. Report of the department of management technologies and economic theory on educational, methodical, scientific, educational and organizational work.Fendyo O.M.
3. Analysis of the results of the winter examination and assessment session of students of the Institute.Hrushchynska N.M.
Polukhina N. M.
L.M. Melnychuk
L.A. Sydorchuk
Fendyo O.M.
4. Various.A.S. Slyunyaev
7March1. Report of the department of human factor management on educational, methodical, scientific and organizational work.L. A. Sydorchuk
2. About the results of the work of curators of academic groups and prospects for its activation.Hrushchynska N.M.
Curators of academic groups.
3. About the results of the intermediate certification and measures to prepare students of the Institute for the spring examination and credit session 2022-2023. p.Melnychuk L.M.
L.A. Sydorchuk
Fendyo O.M.
Polukhina N.M.
4. Various.A.S. Slyunyaev
8April1. About the status and results of career guidance work.Hrushchynska N.M.
Sydorchuk L.A.
Fendio O.M..
L.M. Melnychuk
2. About preparation for students’ practices.Melnychuk L.M.
L.A. Sydorchuk
Fendyo O.M.
3. Various.A.S. Slyunyaev
9May1. About the work of student scientific circles.Hrushchynska N.M.
Sydorchuk L.A.
Fendyo O.M.
L.M. Melnychuk
Ponetaikina I.A.
2. About the status and prospects of professional development for foreign citizens.Shynkarchuk M.V.
Zosimenko O.I.
3. About the state of preparation for the summer examination and assessment session of students in 2022-2023. rHrushchynska N. M.
L.A. Sydorchuk
Fendyo O.M.
L.M. Melnychuk
Polukhina N. M.
4. Various.A.S. Slyuyanev
10June1. About the state of preparation of educational and methodological support of the departments’ disciplines until 2023–2024. p.Hrushchynska N. M.
L.A. Sydorchuk
Fendyo O.M
L.M. Melnychuk
2. Summary of the results of the summer examination and assessment session of students of the Institute.Hrushchynska N. M.
L.A. Sydorchuk
Fendyo O.M.
L.M. Melnychuk
Polukhina N. M.
3. On the implementation of the decisions of the NNINO Academic Council for 2022–2023. p.S.I. Cheripko
4. Peculiarities of preparing and conducting a high-quality introductory campaign–2023.Hrushchynska N.M.
5. Various.A.S. Slyunyaev