Accreditation examination of the educational and professional program “Management in public administration bodies” at the second level of higher education – The Educational and Scientific Institute of Continuing Education
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Accreditation examination of the educational and professional program “Management in public administration bodies” at the second level of higher education

At the National Aviation University from October 19 to 21 this year we are working as an expert group for the accreditation examination of the educational and professional program “Management in State Administration Bodies” at another level of higher education, specialty “281 Public Management and Administration”.


The accreditation examination is conducted on the Zoom video conferencing platform.

All willing participants of the educational process are invited to participate in the open meeting (except for the guarantor of the educational program “Management in public administration bodies”, the head of the graduation department and representatives of the university administration).

ID 20460 EP “Management in public administration bodies”
Time: October 20, 2023

Join the conference

Conference ID: 799 6217 4793
Password: 2023