The Center for Expertise and Certification of Educational and Scientific Programs of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Continuing Education of NAU invites you to actual psychological trainings! – The Educational and Scientific Institute of Continuing Education

The Center for Expertise and Certification of Educational and Scientific Programs of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Continuing Education of NAU invites you to actual psychological trainings!

We have an actual proposal for expanding the professional competencies of practical psychologists, psychotherapists, social pedagogues, workers in the field of education, rehabilitators, students of graduation courses, all interested persons!

The trainings are conducted by Serhii Ivanovich Vyshnichenko, candidate of medicine. Sciences, an experienced practitioner and high-class specialist in the field of psychotherapy and psychiatry, has experience of working and participating in modern international projects.

Upon completion of training, participants receive a state document of the prescribed format in Ukrainian and English about advanced training at the National Aviation University.

1. Relieving acute stress is the key to self

One-day training. The form of conducting is remote. Training begins as the group is formed.
We provide training participants with skills and abilities:

The Center for Expertise and Certification of Educational and Scientific Programs of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Continuing Education of NAU invites you to actual psychological trainings!

  • providing first aid for acute stress;
  • methods and recommendations for managing and overcoming acute stress;
  • techniques that reduce vulnerability to the negative effects of acute stress to a minimum;
  • mastering the methods of controlled psychophysiological self-regulation.

The recording of the training, additional materials, and literature are provided in the general chat in the Telegram social network and are stored there.

2. First psychological aid

One-day training. The form of conducting is remote. Training begins as the group is formed.

We provide training participants with important knowledge and universal skills and abilities:
The Center for Expertise and Certification of Educational and Scientific Programs of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Continuing Education of NAU invites you to actual psychological trainings!

  • providing psychological first aid during extreme events;
  • possessing step-by-step assistance to victims during the war, clearly defining the goal, purpose and actions during each step

The recording of the training, additional materials, and literature are provided in the general chat in the Telegram social network and are stored there.

3. Age-related reactions to negative messages and traumatic events

One-day training. The form of conducting is remote. Training begins as the group is formed.

We provide training participants with advice, skills and psychological assistance skills when children and adults receive negative information and participate in traumatic events:
The Center for Expertise and Certification of Educational and Scientific Programs of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Continuing Education of NAU invites you to actual psychological trainings!

  • having knowledge about children’s age-related reactions to traumatic events;
  • providing psychological assistance in case of negative consequences of traumatic events for children of preschool and primary school age;
  • peculiarities of providing psychological assistance in case of negative consequences of traumatic events for school and adolescent children;
  • The Center for Expertise and Certification of Educational and Scientific Programs of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Continuing Education of NAU invites you to actual psychological trainings!

  • provision of psychological assistance for the negative consequences of traumatic events on adults.

The recording of the training, additional materials, and literature are provided in the general chat in the Telegram social network and are stored there.

4. Work experience of a practical psychologist, educational workers in a bomb shelter with the aim of stabilizing the emotional state in a threat situation

One-day training. The form of conducting is remote. Training begins as the group is formed.

We use and present the latest author’s methods and developments.

We provide training participants with advice, skills and abilities to provide psychological assistance:
The Center for Expertise and Certification of Educational and Scientific Programs of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Continuing Education of NAU invites you to actual psychological trainings!

  • when children are in bomb shelters and children who have left their homes;
  • when children’s behavior changes, sleep disturbances, eating habits, aggression, inhibition, fear, impaired concentration, refusal of previously acquired skills.
  • in case of increased aggressiveness and conflict;
  • information on the use and application of normalizing exercises and games.
  • information in which cases children need professional psychological help.

The recording of the training, additional materials, and literature are provided in the general chat in the Telegram social network and are stored there.

Kyiv, Lubomyra Huzara Ave., 1, NAU,
building 8, office No. 011,
Director of the Center for Expertise and Certification
Malinovska Nataliya Mykholaivna