An open lecture was held by V.V. Dubinina, associate professor of the department of management technologies, candidate of economic sciences. on the topic “Methods of strategic forecasting of the activity of public authorities” – The Educational and Scientific Institute of Continuing Education
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An open lecture was held by V.V. Dubinina, associate professor of the department of management technologies, candidate of economic sciences. on the topic “Methods of strategic forecasting of the activity of public authorities”

According to the plan for conducting open and demonstration classes by the Department of Management Technologies of NNINO in the 1st semester of 2022-2023, on October 19, 2022, Associate Professor of the Department of Management Technologies, Candidate economy of Sciences Vira Volodymyrivna Dubinina held an open online lecture on the discipline “Strategic forecasting” on the topic “Methods of strategic forecasting of the activities of public authorities”.

During the lecture, the essence was revealed and the role of forecasting in the context of strategic management in public authorities was reflected; the classification of forecasting methods is considered; the characteristics of each group of methods are presented and the peculiarities of their application are highlighted.

The open lecture was attended by: Deputy Director of NNINO Hrushchinska N.M., Deputy Director of NNINO Polishchuk O.V., Head of the Department of Management Technologies O.M. Fendyo, Associate Professor of the Department of Management Technologies T.V. Sivashenko, as well as students of higher education 2 th course of full-time study of OS “Bachelor”, group 201-B. Students showed interest in the chosen topic, actively participated in the discussion and summary of the lecture.

The teachers and students of higher education present at the lecture positively evaluated the content of the lesson, noted the high scientific level of mastery of the material, the variety of methods and techniques of presenting the material. The lecture was delivered at a high professional level.

Відбулась відкрита лекція доцентом кафедри технологій управління, кандидатом економічних наук  Дубініною В.В. на тему «Методи стратегічного прогнозування діяльності органів публічної влади»