A meeting of the XXII MNPK of applicants for higher education and young scientists “Flight. Modern problems of science “ – The Educational and Scientific Institute of Continuing Education
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A meeting of the XXII MNPK of applicants for higher education and young scientists “Flight. Modern problems of science “

Політ 2022. Сучасні проблеми науки

On May 13, 2022, the meeting of the XXII MNPK of applicants for higher education and young scientists “Flight. Modern problems of science “in the direction of:


Head of the section – Deputy Director of NNINO, Doctor of Economics, Professor Grushchynska N.M.
Head of the subsection “Prospects of public administration and administration in the aviation industry” – Melnychuk L.M., Doctor of Civil Engineering, Acting Head of the Department of Public Administration and Administration
Head of the subsection “Modern trends in management technologies” – Ph.D., Associate Professor, Head. Department of Management Technologies Polishchuk O.V.
Head of the subsection “Educational Innovation and Human Factor Management” – Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Head Department of Human Factor Management Sidorchuk L.

Conference program

Abstracts of reports will be placed in the repository of NTB NAU