A meeting on “Management and administration in public administration” was held as part of the conference “Flight. Modern problems of science” – The Educational and Scientific Institute of Continuing Education
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A meeting on “Management and administration in public administration” was held as part of the conference “Flight. Modern problems of science”

A meeting on «Management and administration in public administratio» was held as part of the conference «Flight. Modern problems of science»

On April 7, 2021, a meeting of the direction “Management and Administration in Public Administration” was held in the framework of the XXI International Scientific and Practical Conference of Higher Education Applicants and Young Scientists “Flight. Modern problems of science “of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Continuing Education, section” Innovations and prospects for the development of public administration and administration in the aviation industry: Ukrainian and world experience. ” The head of the section is the head of the department of public administration and administration, Ph.D. Grushchinskaya NM The conference was attended by teachers of the department and full-time and part-time students of OS “Master”, OS “Bachelor” specialty 281 “Public Administration”.

Special attention should be paid to the reports of students Minkovskaya A. “Mechanisms for stimulating the economic development of the regions of Ukraine”, Yovenko K. “Peculiarities of formation and implementation of public policy”, Bashtan A. “E-government in the decision-making process”, Danilchenko D. “Peculiarities of society interaction and authorities ».