The round table “Prospects for the development of innovative management technologies” was held – The Educational and Scientific Institute of Continuing Education
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The round table “Prospects for the development of innovative management technologies” was held

The On-line round table “Prospects for the development of innovative management technologies” took place at the Educational and Scientific Institute of Continuing Education of NAU. The round table was organized by the Department of Management Technology.

The event was opened by the Head of the Department of Management Technologies, Ph.D., Assoc. Oksana Volodymyrivna Polishchuk. Lecturers of the Department of Management Technologies Ph.D., Assoc. Fendyo Olena Mykolayivna, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Assoc. Dubinina Vera Vladimirovna. Students of the group PU-101 specialty 281 “Public Administration” and students of the group AM101-MD specialty 073 “Management”, EP “Administrative Management” took an active part in the meeting, in particular: Anastasia Cherepakhina with a report: “Foreign experience in personnel management”, Ala Kuzikova with a report: “Ways to improve the psychological climate in the enterprise”, Angelina Kucher with a report: “Adaptation of public administration to the development of innovative technologies”, Igor Frolov with a report: “Digital technologies – innovations that are already here ». The round table addressed current issues in promising areas of innovation processes in management.

The concluding speech was made by the Deputy Director of NNINO, Doctor of Economics, Prof. Natalia Mykolayivna Hrushchynska, who summed up the results of the round table and noted the need to further involve students in discussions of current issues of innovation in management.