How should a student start his career? – The Educational and Scientific Institute of Continuing Education
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How should a student start his career?

How should a student start his career?

Combining study and work is a fairly common phenomenon among students. Most often, students who are still studying are employed in order to gain some experience and practical skills. At the same time, they have many questions: how to properly apply for employment, whether it is necessary to sign an employment contract or work under a civil law contract, how to correctly write a resume, pass an interview, and in the end: how a student can exercise his right to work. These are just some of the questions that arise before them and which they addressed during the meeting of NNINO students and representatives of the Kyiv City Employment Center, namely: Lyudmila TYMOSHENKO – head of the employment promotion department of the Department of Employment Policy Implementation of KMCZ and Oksana SHUBINA – deputy head of the employment promotion department Department of Employment Policy Implementation of KMCZ. The meeting took place on February 27, 2004 in online format.

How should a student start his career?

The representatives of KMCZ emphasized that the labor draft laws do not provide for restrictions on the combination of study and work by students, moreover, Article 62 of the Law of Ukraine “On Higher Education” clearly indicates that persons studying at higher education institutions have the right to work. They provided information on the current state of the labor market for graduates of NNINO majors, gave advice on the specifics of writing a resume, handling employment and obtaining study vouchers. Oksana Shubina advised all graduates not to stop at the acquired knowledge, to constantly improve professionally, using the opportunities of education throughout life.