Scientific research work – The Educational and Scientific Institute of Continuing Education
Авіаційна та інженерна неперервна освіта
Освіта впродовж життя
Lifelong learning
Освіта дорослих
Освіта для бізнесу

Scientific research work

Scientific and pedagogical staff of the department of public management and administration conduct research on theoretical and applied problems of public management, modernization of the training system, and improvement of the qualifications of public servants, in particular within the framework of the department’s research work on the topic “Implementation of public management technologies in system of continuous education” (2021-2024). The results of research work are widely implemented in the educational process, serve as the basis for the development of training programs for conducting short-term advanced training courses, and are tested at domestic and foreign communication events, including those organized and conducted by the Department of Public Management and Administration.

On the basis of the department, there is a student scientific circle “School of young public manager”.

Work plan of the student research group

Scientific and pedagogical workers and students of higher education are active participants in the communicative activities of the University and the Educational and Scientific Institute of Continuing Education:

The department annually organizes a student round table “Public management and administration: historical retrospective, personalities, modernity”.