Reabilitation of military personnel, veterans and their family members: new courses from the Educational and Scientific Institute of Continuing Education – The Educational and Scientific Institute of Continuing Education
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Reabilitation of military personnel, veterans and their family members: new courses from the Educational and Scientific Institute of Continuing Education

Центр експертизи і сертифікації ННІНО запрошує на курси підвищення кваліфікації за новою програмою «Психологічна реабілітація військовослужбовців, ветеранів та членів їх сімей»

The Expertise and Certification Center of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Continuing Education invites you to advanced training courses under the new program “Psychological rehabilitation of military personnel, veterans and their family members”.

The program was developed taking into account the need for a comprehensive approach to the rehabilitation of servicemen, veterans and their families, combining psychological and psychiatric support.

During the course, participants will have the opportunity to:

  • to master modern methods of psychophysiological self-regulation of the behavior of fighters during the preparation and conduct of combat operations;
  • get acquainted with modern approaches to the medical and psychological rehabilitation of military personnel with combat mental trauma;
  • master effective methods of rehabilitation of certain crisis states of military personnel, veterans, prisoners and their family members.

You can get acquainted with the feedback of the listeners by following the link posted on the NNINO NAU website:

Реабілітація військових, ветеранів та членів їх сімей: нові курси  від Навчально-наукового  інституту неперервної освіти

The courses are conducted by the teacher of the Department of Human Factors Management of NNINO NAU, Serhii Vyshnichenko, associate professor, candidate of medical sciences, practitioner and highly qualified specialist in the field of psychotherapy and psychiatry, who has experience in brigade work with the military, within the framework of the international project “Recovery during the war”.

All materials are provided in the general course chat in Telegram.

We invite you to study! Together we will help overcome the consequences of the war.

Contacts: +38(050)-937-67-60 – Natalia Malinovska
Kyiv, Lubomyra Huzara Ave., 1, NAU, Building 8, Office No. 011