EPP: Project Management – The Educational and Scientific Institute of Continuing Education
Авіаційна та інженерна неперервна освіта
Освіта впродовж життя
Lifelong learning
Освіта дорослих
Освіта для бізнесу

Educational and professional program
“Project Management”, specialty 073 Management, field of knowledge 07 Management and administration

Project management today is one of the most relevant and advanced management technologies, which continues to develop rapidly. There are many areas of application of this technology. They can cover almost all areas of human life.

Purpose of Project Management OP

Providing high-quality theoretical and practical training of project management specialists for their competitiveness in the global labor market. Orientation of future specialists on effective planning and implementation of projects and programs, generation of new knowledge and innovative ideas, modern needs, development trends of organizations in business, science, education, social sphere on the basis of mastering the system of competencies.

The target audience for the Master of Educational Project Management program is:

  • graduates of educational institutions at the educational level BACHELOR or MASTER (SPECIALIST) of all fields of knowledge;
  • employees from the business sector of enterprises of various forms of ownership and organizational and legal forms, business structures, public sector, non-profit structures and public organizations, etc.

We train highly qualified masters in project management, capable of managing various types of projects, programs and project portfolios, which are aimed at accelerating the development and competitiveness of economic entities.

Graduates are able to manage projects at all stages of the project cycle, make effective decisions on their resource and organizational support, integrate innovation and investment processes, attract financial resources from various sources for the practical implementation of projects and programs, carry out comprehensive project portfolio planning for sustainable development both in the business sector and in the public sector.

Project Management Specialists can work:

experts; appraisers; program and project directors; project managers; investment project management consultants; heads of the group, department, center for development and implementation of projects, development programs in the fields of construction, transport, education, ecology, household and trade services, etc .; managers, consultants for planning, formation and implementation of state regional projects of socio-economic development, in the departments of organization of competitions and tenders of public administration and local self-government.


  1. A comprehensive approach to training.
  2. Highly qualified staff for training.
  3. Use of modern information and computer technologies.
  4. Involve students in research.
  5. Practical component of training.

The program teaches leadership and successful creative thinking, provides a roadmap that leads to success.

EPP “Project management”.pdf

Contact information of the department of management technologies of NNINO NAU

Address: 03058 Kyiv, Lubomyr Husar Avenue 1, cor. 8a, office 908

Phones: (044) 406–73–72, +38(098)114-59-01 Oksana Volodymyrivna Polishchuk

E-mail: itu@nau.edu.ua