Actual questions/answers
In order to decide on a specialty and learn about the necessary exams that must be taken for admission to a bachelor’s / master’s degree, go to link.
To submit applications in electronic form, you need to register a personal electronic account on the website (works during the introductory campaign). Registration of the entrant’s personal electronic accounts begins on July 1.
Submit an application only in paper form (due to the impossibility of registering the entrant’s personal electronic account) you can:
- in the case of documents submitted by foreigners and stateless persons, except for persons with a certificate of permanent residence in Ukraine;
- in case of submitting a foreign education document;
- in the case of submitting a document on previously acquired education, issued before the introduction of photopolymer technologies for their production;
- in case of submitting an application for admission before or after the established The order of admission of the terms of operation of the electronic offices of applicants;
- in case of impossibility to register the applicant’s personal electronic account or to submit an application in electronic form for other reasons, which is confirmed by the certificate of the admissions committee of higher education institutions.
The unified entrance exam (UEI) is a form of entrance test for admission to study for a master’s degree based on the obtained bachelor’s educational degree (NRK6) or master’s educational degree (educational and qualification level of a specialist) (NRK7), which combines a test of general educational competencies and a foreign language test (English, German, French, Spanish at the entrant’s choice), which is conducted by the Ukrainian Center for the Evaluation of the Quality of Education in accordance with the law.
# obtaining a master’s degree on the basis of a bachelor’s degree (NRK6) or a master’s degree (educational and qualification level of a specialist) (NRK7), which involves assessing the level of readiness of the entrant to obtain a master’s degree in the relevant specialty(s) , which is conducted by the Ukrainian Center for Evaluation of the Quality of Education in accordance with the legislation.
In 2023, entrants to the master’s degree must take the EFVV in the following majors:
- 051 Economy,
- 052 Political Science,
- 053 Psychology,
- 054 Sociology,
- 061 Journalism*,
- 071
Accounting and taxation,
- 072
Finance, banking, insurance and stock market,
- 073 Management,
- 075
- 076
Entrepreneurship and trade,
- 081
- 281
Public management and administration,
- 291
International relations, public communications and regional studies,
- 292
International economic relations,
- 293
International law.
Follow the information update at the link: entry/mahistratura/
Follow the information update at the link:
Entrants can enter the Master’s program in a different specialty than the one they received upon completion of the Bachelor’s degree. List of NAU specialties. In case of difficulties in determining the specialty that is right for you, we suggest taking the professional orientation test p>
For registration, an applicant must apply to the admissions committee of one of the higher education institutions chosen by him for admission. The confirmation of registration is the examination slip issued by the commission. After that, on the website UCFEQA, a participant’s account will be created for each registered entrant, access to which will be via the number of the examination sheet and PIN the code specified in it.
The main session of EVI and EFVV will take place in June – July. Testing points will be created on the basis of higher education institutions. During registration, the entrant must choose the city in which he will take the test.
You will receive one examination letter – at the higher education institution where you will register for the EVI/EEVV.
Bachelor’s degree –
Magistratura –
For information on admission to correspondence education, we recommend contacting the Department of Correspondence and Distance Education:
telephone +38 (044) 406 77 04 – Olena Pavlivna Kobzar;
website of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Continuing Education.
You can read the study contract at the National Aviation University by clicking on the link here
Follow the information update at link
You can find information about preferential admission at link
Information about the content of training programs for higher education applicants, advanced training courses, their duration and evaluation system can be found at links:
Department of Public Management and Administration a>
Students acquire general and professional competences in the process of theoretical training, as well as during research and production practice at the enterprises of “AV Pharmacia” LLC, “Voda Group” LLC, “Energoconcept” LLC, “BMS TECHNO” LLC. , LLC “Customertimes”, KP “International Airport “Kyiv” (Zhulyany)”, PJSC “Farmak”, LLC “Airline “Meridian”, Communal non-commercial enterprise “Center for primary medical and sanitary care No. 2”, State Aviation Service of Ukraine, State Space Agency of Ukraine, State Enterprise “410 Civil Aviation Plant” and others.
In order to ensure the educational process taking into account the needs of employers, promoting the employment of graduates, NNINO actively cooperates with public authorities, state enterprises and organizations. The most fruitful cooperation is with the State Aviation Service of Ukraine, the State Space Agency of Ukraine, the State Enterprise “410 Civil Aviation Plant”, “AV Farmatsia” LLC, “Voda Group” LLC, “Energoconcept” LLC, “BMS TECHNO” LLC, ” Customer Times”, KP “Kyiv International Airport (Zhulyany)”, PJSC “Farmak”, LLC “Meridian Airline”, Communal non-commercial enterprise “Center for primary medical and sanitary care No. 2”.
- 121 Heads of enterprises, institutions and organizations
- 123 Heads of functional divisions
- 1238 Project and program managers
- 2310 Teachers of universities and higher education institutions
- 2447.2 Project and program management professionals
Yes, while studying at NNINO, you can take advantage of accommodation in a dormitory. For detailed information, follow the link
You can request information about a study certificate or student card by calling +38 (044) 406 77 18 or visiting office 8-005.
In the Institute there is a variety of activities for students, which include various cultural events and other activities for students. More detailed information about extracurricular activities at the university can be found on the official website at the link here.
Yes, you can familiarize yourself with the map of shelters on the territory of the National Aviation University at link.
Additional information:
KAI – Admissions Committee